

Oxenfree is a graphic adventure game developed and published by Night School Studio. It was released for OS X, Windows, and Xbox One in January 2016.

Oxenfree on Steam

評分 4.5 (9,225) Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager who brings her new ...

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Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager who brings her new ...


供應中 《Oxenfree》是一款關於一群朋友無意中開啟陰界裂縫的超自然驚悚遊戲。玩家扮演主角Alex,一個聰明叛逆的女孩,與她的新繼父Jonas 來到一個古老的軍事小島上舉辦通宵派對 ...

Buy Oxenfree

Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager.


《Oxenfree》是一款關於一群朋友無意中開啟陰界裂縫的超自然驚悚遊戲。玩家扮演主角Alex,一個聰明叛逆的女孩,與她的新繼父Jonas 來到一個古老的軍事小島上舉辦通宵派對 ...


本作首先於在Microsoft Windows、OS X和Xbox One等平台上發行,後來又分別於同年的5月31日及6月1日發行了PlayStation 4和Linux的版本,於2017年10月6日在 ...


OxenfreeisagraphicadventuregamedevelopedandpublishedbyNightSchoolStudio.ItwasreleasedforOSX,Windows,andXboxOneinJanuary2016.,評分4.5(9,225)Oxenfreeisasupernaturalthrilleraboutagroupoffriendswhounwittinglyopenaghostlyrift.PlayasAlex,abright,rebelliousteenagerwhobringshernew ...,Oxenfreeisasupernaturalthrilleraboutagroupoffriendswhounwittinglyopenaghostlyrift.PlayasAlex,abright,rebelliousteenage...