Parkdale Mills in Hillsville closing its doors, over 300 ...

ThisistheofficialFacebookpagefortheParkdaleMills,Inc.manufacturingfacilityinHillsville,VA!Opportunitiesandeventsinourareawillbe ...,ParkdaleMills,Inc.771likes·27werehere.Doyouwanttoseeourmanufacturingfacilitylocations?NavigatetotheStorestabatthet...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Parkdale Mills, Inc.

This is the official Facebook page for the Parkdale Mills, Inc. manufacturing facility in Hillsville, VA! Opportunities and events in our area will be ...

Parkdale Mills, Inc.

Parkdale Mills, Inc. 771 likes · 27 were here. Do you want to see our manufacturing facility locations? Navigate to the Stores tab at the top of our...

Parkdale Mills Employee Reviews in Hillsville, VA

2023年9月13日 — Steady work, 15 days off a month, paid holidays ... Pro: Great place to work if you don't mind 12 hour shifts. It just takes a few months to get ...

Plant Locations

Plants 35HillsvilleVirginia. 1 Advanced Technology DriveHillsville, VA 24343Map It · 276-728-1001. Plants 36 & 37SpartaNorth Carolina. 164 Pine Swamp RoadSparta ...

Parkdale Mills

We need talented people who are ready to shape the future of the textile industry. Work With Us. Parkdale Mills. 531 Cotton Blossom Circle.

Parkdale Mills to close three plants

One of the area's largest employers will be closing three of its four plants in Hillsville and laying off more than 300 employees on Oct. 9.

Parkdale Mills in Hillsville closing permanently, affecting ...

2023年8月24日 — Parkdale Mills in Hillsville is slated to close on Oct. 9, affecting 326 employees, according to a warn notice from the Virginia Employment ...


ThisistheofficialFacebookpagefortheParkdaleMills,Inc.manufacturingfacilityinHillsville,VA!Opportunitiesandeventsinourareawillbe ...,ParkdaleMills,Inc.771likes·27werehere.Doyouwanttoseeourmanufacturingfacilitylocations?NavigatetotheStorestabatthetopofour...,2023年9月13日—Steadywork,15daysoffamonth,paidholidays...Pro:Greatplacetoworkifyoudon'tmind12hourshifts.Itjusttakesafewmonthstoget ...,Plant...