
2D3D CAD Pattern Design Software

Optitex's Pattern Design Software combines cutting-edge 2D CAD design & 3D virtual prototyping with 95% accuracy in a single, seamless platform.

Best Pattern Making Software 2024 ????

3D pattern making software such as CLO, VStitcher, and TUKAcad stand out for their immersive 3D visualization and intuitive interface. Whether you're a beginner ...

Create Clothing Patterns on Your Computer

Fashion design software for dress patterns and other clothing patterns. Quickly Create, Modify, and Distribute Garment Patterns and Garment Designs.

Design Patterns

Design patterns are typical solutions to common problems in software design. Each pattern is like a blueprint that you can customize to solve a particular ...

Download Valentina pattern design software

Valentina is an open source pattern-making program designed for the development of parametric clothing patterns. Reducing the time and labor costs of ...

Garment Designer Pattern Making Software Overview

Garment Designer is pattern making software for knitters & sewers (Mac or Windows). Achieve great fit and creative design with this easy-to-use tool.


Seamly is open-source fashion design software that allows fashion design agencies of all sizes to create patterns quickly and easily. Facebook ...

Software design pattern

In software engineering, a design pattern describes a relatively small, well-defined aspect (i.e. functionality) of a computer program in terms of how to ...


Optitex'sPatternDesignSoftwarecombinescutting-edge2DCADdesign&3Dvirtualprototypingwith95%accuracyinasingle,seamlessplatform.,3DpatternmakingsoftwaresuchasCLO,VStitcher,andTUKAcadstandoutfortheirimmersive3Dvisualizationandintuitiveinterface.Whetheryou'reabeginner ...,Fashiondesignsoftwarefordresspatternsandotherclothingpatterns.QuicklyCreate,Modify,andDistributeGarmentPatternsandGarmentDesi...