How to Download and Install PeaZip on Windows 10 for FREE



Download PeaZip for Windows 64 bit, free RAR ZIP opener application

Download PeaZip for Windows 64 bit, free 7Z RAR TAR ZIP files opener. Open Source, free WinRar, WinZip alternative file archiving application. Windows 32 bit · Portable file archiver · Online support

Download PeaZip for Windows, free RAR TAR ZIP files extractor

Download PeaZip for Windows, free RAR TAR ZIP extractor utility. Unzip 7Z ACE CAB RAR TAR ZIP archives, compress, extract, encrypt, backup, split files.

PeaZip (64-bit) for Windows

評分 3.9 (28) · 免費 · Windows PeaZip for Windows (64-bit) is a free ZIP software optimized for WIN64 systems. The application is based on powerful and solid Open Source technology of 7-Zip.


Compress and decompress files quickly and easily. PeaZip is a file compression and decompression tool that helps to reduce the size of large files.

PeaZip 10.2.0 可攜式版for Windows 64-bit

免費的解壓縮軟體,是WinRar、WinZip 和類似Windows 和Linux 軟體的跨平台開源免費替代品。 PeaZip; 軟體版本: 10.2.0 可攜式版for Windows 64-bit; 軟體分類: 100工具 ...

PeaZip 10.2.0 安裝版for Windows 64-bit : 軟體王2025

免費的解壓縮軟體,是WinRar、WinZip 和類似Windows 和Linux 軟體的跨平台開源免費替代品。 PeaZip; 軟體版本: 10.2.0 安裝版for Windows 64-bit; 軟體分類: 192工具 ...

PeaZip 64 bits

PeaZip for Windows 64 bit is a freeware ZIP tool. Open, convert and extract RAR 7Z ACE APK CAB BZ2 DMG ISO JAR GZ LHA PAQ PEA TAR ZIP ZIPX files and more, ...

PeaZip free archiver utility, open extract RAR TAR ZIP files

PeaZip is a free file archiver utility, similar to WinRar, WinZip, and 7-Zip (or File Roller, and Ark on Linux), based on Open Source technologies. Download PeaZip for Windows... · PeaZip issue tracker, feature... · Screenshots

PeaZip is a free, open source file and archive manager for 32 and 64 bit Windows and Linux. It is available either as installable and portable application (not ...

免費壓縮 解壓縮軟體PeaZip 發佈V10 版本,改進了介面和工具選單

按此前往官網,點選Download PeaZip 下載64 位元版本。 如果顯示Windows 已保護您的電腦,則點選其他資訊,再按仍要執行。 選取I accept 接受授權協議 ...

