The Secrets of Consciousness | Part I

2013年12月5日—Peoplewithgrapheme-colorsynesthesia,forexample,seecertaincolorswhentheyreadlettersandnumbers.Theparticipantssatinadark ...,Apopheniaisthetendencytoperceivemeaningfulconnectionsbetweenunrelatedthings.ThetermwascoinedbypsychiatristKla...。參考影片的文章的如下:


'Seeing' Without Seeing

2013年12月5日 — People with grapheme-color synesthesia, for example, see certain colors when they read letters and numbers. The participants sat in a dark ...


Apophenia is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. The term was coined by psychiatrist Klaus Conrad in his 1958 ...

Can you feel someone's presence without seeing them ...

2023年2月8日 — Yes! I believe it is possible to feel someone before they are seen. This is my own experience short and simple. I always know about five ...

Looking without seeing or seeing without looking? Eye ...

由 V Beanland 著作 · 2010 · 被引用 64 次 — Inattentional blindness (IB) describes the failure to notice salient but unexpected stimuli when attention is partially engaged by another ...


Precognition is the purported psychic phenomenon of seeing, or otherwise becoming directly aware of, events in the future. There is no accepted scientific ...

What do blind people see? Light and color perception

2023年7月26日 — Most blind people have some level of vision, but what they can see differs from person to person. Some may only see light.

Why do I see people around me but no other can see?

2020年2月14日 — Seeing people that others cannot see is not crazy- in fact it is a gift! A gift that very few people have. Most often when it is mentioned, ...


2013年12月5日—Peoplewithgrapheme-colorsynesthesia,forexample,seecertaincolorswhentheyreadlettersandnumbers.Theparticipantssatinadark ...,Apopheniaisthetendencytoperceivemeaningfulconnectionsbetweenunrelatedthings.ThetermwascoinedbypsychiatristKlausConradinhis1958 ...,2023年2月8日—Yes!Ibelieveitispossibletofeelsomeonebeforetheyareseen.Thisismyownexperienceshortandsimple.Ialwaysknowaboutfive ......


