
BlockssomedomainsinSearchResults.Simplyclick→blocknearaGoogleSearchresultitemtoeithera)Hideresultsfromdomain(Hideoption),orb) ...,鑑於google的personalblocklist算是掛了(還挺久了)總算找到名為SearchBlocklist的擴充總算又能跟內容農場說再見了看簡介說是...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Blocks some domains in Search Results. Simply click → block near a Google Search result item to either a) Hide results from domain (Hide option), or b) ...

【其他】找到能取代personal blocklist的google擴充

鑑於google的personal blocklist算是掛了(還挺久了) 總算找到名為Search Blocklist的擴充總算又能跟內容農場說再見了看簡介說是從personal blocklist ...

block list - Sign in

Sign in. Use your Google Account. Email or phone. Forgot email? CAPTCHA image of text used to distinguish humans from robots. Type the text you hear or see.

Personal Blocklist 免費下載. Personal Blocklist 下載

個人阻止列表是Google Chrome瀏覽器的擴展。此擴展程序將向您發送您選擇阻止的模式。當您選擇阻止或取消阻止某個模式時,該擴展程序還將向Google傳輸顯示已阻止或未阻止搜索 ...

Allow or block access to websites

Go to your /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed folder. Create or update a JSON file and enter URLs as needed: In URLBlocklist, add the URLs that you want to block.

How to prevent & or remove a sites inclusion in your search results?

Personal Blocklist Extension: If you are using Google Chrome, you can install the Personal Blocklist extension from the Chrome Web Store.

is Personal Blocklist dead? : rchrome

Hey, I forked the original Personal Blocklist by google and fixed* it and republished it to the chrome store. Here is the link to it.

Personal Blocklist 封鎖特定網站,不顯示在搜尋結果(電腦版)

只要輸入該網站的網址,Personal Blocklist 套件就會替你在Google 搜尋結果中自動移除該網站的所有網頁,基本上就是封鎖這個網站,加到黑名單,不會再顯示。


BlockssomedomainsinSearchResults.Simplyclick→blocknearaGoogleSearchresultitemtoeithera)Hideresultsfromdomain(Hideoption),orb) ...,鑑於google的personalblocklist算是掛了(還挺久了)總算找到名為SearchBlocklist的擴充總算又能跟內容農場說再見了看簡介說是從personalblocklist ...,Signin.UseyourGoogleAccount.Emailorphone.Forgotemail?CAPTCHAimageoftextusedtodistinguishhumansfromrobots.Typethetextyouhearors...