
Phototheca for Windows

評分 4.0 (4) · 免費 · Windows User Reviews · Neat, efficient and reliable software · Amazing photo manager · Wanted me to download some stuff. · Really good and easy-to-use alternative to ...

Picasa vs iPhoto vs Phototheca

Phototheca can be seen as the superior photo software alternative in this review. That's because it comes with multiple series of features that ...

Polarr vs Lightroom vs Phototheca

It is more functional and stable than Polarr, yet not as challenging to master for amateurs as Lightroom. Phototheca doesn't skimp on organizing ...

Phototheca Reviews - 2025

評分 3.5 (2) Phototheca makes it easy for you to view, sort and organize thousands of digital photos and videos from a computer. Photos can be imported from many sources, ...

Compare ACDSee Photo Studio vs. Phototheca in 2025

What's the difference between ACDSee Photo Studio and Phototheca? Compare ACDSee Photo Studio vs. Phototheca in 2025 by cost, reviews, features, integrations,

Phototheca Reviews in 2025

評分 3.5 (2) Pros: It has some features that were in Picasa. You can upload to Google Photos. Facial recognition is okay - not great. Map view is nice. Cons: It's slow...

Phototheca: PC Talk Forum

Don't touch your files in any way. Only downside is it just went from pay once use for life to yearly subscription.

Phototheca may fit the bill

Phototheca has a facial recognition feature and can read all face tags that are created by iPhoto, Picasa, Lightroom, and also tag photos with ...

Phototheca X 2023.12.25.4308

評分 4.0 (124) Phototheca becomes fully x64 bits application. The program works faster on all modern PCs and utilizes all the power of modern CPUs, both Intel and AMD.

Phototheca Pricing, Features, and Reviews (Mar 2025)

Phototheca is a comprehensive photo organizing software for Windows, offering advanced features like facial recognition, duplicate removal, and built-in ...


評分4.0(4)·免費·WindowsUserReviews·Neat,efficientandreliablesoftware·Amazingphotomanager·Wantedmetodownloadsomestuff.·Reallygoodandeasy-to-usealternativeto ...,Photothecacanbeseenasthesuperiorphotosoftwarealternativeinthisreview.That'sbecauseitcomeswithmultipleseriesoffeaturesthat ...,ItismorefunctionalandstablethanPolarr,yetnotaschallengingtomasterforamateursasLightroom.Photothecadoesn'tskimp...