

place an advertisement, bet, order, etc.

to arrange to have an advertisement, bet, order, etc. 登廣告/打賭/下訂單等 We placed the order for the furniture six weeks ago. 我們六個星期前訂購了這件傢俱。

ORDER in Traditional Chinese

order noun (REQUEST) ... Can I take your order now? said the waiter. 侍者問:「現在可以點菜了嗎?」 I would like to place (= make) an order for a large pine table ... Order of magnitude · The order of the day · 日本語

What does place an order with mean?

When you place an order it means you tell someone what you want to buy from them and agree a price (you might pay when you place the order or you might pay ...

place an order

To order something; to submit an order for a product. Translations. edit. ±Translations. [Select preferred languages] [Clear all]. Dutch: een ...

to place an order for somebody to do something

place an order for usually refers to goods to be delivered. Valvs' suggestion, I'm going to hire CLEANEX, would be idiomatic in AE.

Place an order (which preposition?) a producta website

To place your order on such and such a website is certainly used and the usage is certainly to place an order for something.

What is the difference between place an order(verb) and ...

Place an order is typically used when you are ordering something that will be delivered to you. Order is more like just requesting something ...

place an order with | English examples in context

The phrase place an order with is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you want to talk about ordering something from a particular ...

Chinese Translation of “TO PLACE AN ORDER FOR STH WITH SB”

She placed an order for a new sofa with the furniture shop. 她在家具店訂購了一套新沙發。 See full dictionary entry for order below.


toarrangetohaveanadvertisement,bet,order,etc.登廣告/打賭/下訂單等Weplacedtheorderforthefurnituresixweeksago.我們六個星期前訂購了這件傢俱。,ordernoun(REQUEST)...CanItakeyourordernow?saidthewaiter.侍者問:「現在可以點菜了嗎?」Iwouldliketoplace(=make)anorderforalargepinetable ...Orderofmagnitude·Theorderoftheday·日本語,Whenyouplaceanorderitmeansyoutellsomeonewhatyouwanttobuyfromthemandagreeapric...