
Plain Clipboard Manager - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

評分 5.0 (1) TRY THE FREE TRIAL FOR UP TO 7 DAYS! Plain Clipboard Manager (PCM) monitors the Windows clipboard and saves any copied text to plain text files in utf-8 ...

Best Video Trimming Software for Windows

Discover the best video trimming tools for Windows 10. Learn how to snip and trim videos easily with built-in tools and free software.

Download Microsoft Clipchamp for Windows

Enjoy easy video editing with the free Microsoft Clipchamp app that has quick editing tools and advanced video effects for all your video needs.


ClipClip is free clipboard manager software for Windows that makes it possible to copy multiple texts, images or files to your clipboard.

bartekmotylsimple-video-cutter: Windows-based tool for ...

Simple Video Cutter uses Velopack (open source installer). It gives a great flexibility and simplifies upgrades which are performed automatically.

A simple command-line replacement for the MS

I like to be able to clip one-liner into the Windows clipboard from a PowerShell prompt with a command like so: PS> $PWD.

How to Trim Videos on Windows: Easy Step-by

This Riverside guide walks you through a step-by-step on how to trim videos on Windows PCs. Plus, we share some dedicated trimming tools to try.

Plain Clipboard Manager

Plain Clipboard Manager (PCM) monitors the Windows clipboard and saves any copied text to plain text files in utf-8 (unicode) format.

Making Simple Clipboard Viewer in C on Windows

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.


評分5.0(1)TRYTHEFREETRIALFORUPTO7DAYS!PlainClipboardManager(PCM)monitorstheWindowsclipboardandsavesanycopiedtexttoplaintextfilesinutf-8 ...,DiscoverthebestvideotrimmingtoolsforWindows10.Learnhowtosnipandtrimvideoseasilywithbuilt-intoolsandfreesoftware.,EnjoyeasyvideoeditingwiththefreeMicrosoftClipchampappthathasquickeditingtoolsandadvancedvideoeffectsforallyourvideoneeds.,ClipClipisfreeclipboa...