Pokemon Go 外掛

2016年12月14日—FYI:Pokefarmerjustannouncedtheycrackedthenewapiontheirdiscordchannel.guesstheymadeprogress....Wewon'treleasetheAPIyetor ...,DownloadPokeFarmercrackedforfreeforWindowsPC,aworkingPokemonGOFarmRobotwithmanyfeatures.[Latestversionhacke...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2016年12月14日 — FYI: Pokefarmer just announced they cracked the new api on their discord channel. guess they made progress. ... We won't release the API yet or ...

PokeFarmer v1.0.103 Patched

Download PokeFarmer cracked for free for Windows PC, a working Pokemon GO Farm Robot with many features.[Latest version hacked all features for free]

PokeFarmer v1.0.108 Cracked Version [New API]

Simply download the bot and run the PokeFarmer.Patched.exe, authenticate using your Pokemon GO login information (which is stored securely on your computer), ...

[Hack] PokeFarmer v1.0.89

2016年8月9日 — Community Announcements, Giveaways & More! Hack PokeFarmer v1.0.89 - Cracked Version (New API). Mod ...

[Hack] PokeFarmer v1.0.99

Run PokeFarmer.patched.exe. Click on Start Bot. When it asks you for a login, that's your login to play Pokemon GO. If it doesn't ask you for the login, go ...

[免費] 教你用德國老牌外掛公司的Pokefarmer (v1.0.82 綠色版 ...

2016年8月4日 — [免費] 教你用德國老牌外掛公司的Pokefarmer (v1.0.82 綠色版) 在辦公桌前征戰Pokémon GO · 軟體名稱:PokeFarmer · 開發商:vBulletin · 軟體性質:付費(1年/3 ...

[分享] PokeFarmer v1.0.108 破解(0819) [New API]

2016年8月19日 — PokeFarmer v1.0.108 破解版本: 1.0.108日期: 08/19/2016掃毒功能簡介:1.自動捕捉pokemons2.自動尋找pokestop3.支援強化和進化pokemons和更多不同功能 ...


2016年8月9日 — Pokemon GO - 8/10 新破解版PokeFarmer v1.0.89 (New API) 掛機自動練功: _內容節錄:最早發展新API的付費掛刷站孵蛋抓精靈 傳送進化升等請執行PokeFarmer.


2016年12月14日—FYI:Pokefarmerjustannouncedtheycrackedthenewapiontheirdiscordchannel.guesstheymadeprogress....Wewon'treleasetheAPIyetor ...,DownloadPokeFarmercrackedforfreeforWindowsPC,aworkingPokemonGOFarmRobotwithmanyfeatures.[Latestversionhackedallfeaturesforfree],SimplydownloadthebotandrunthePokeFarmer.Patched.exe,authenticateusingyourPokemonGOlogininformation(whichisstoredsecurelyonyourcom...