

Generation 3 Pokemon Buddy Distances Table

Pokemon GO Mudkip, Mudkip, 3KM ; Pokemon GO Marshtomp, Marshtomp, 3KM ; Pokemon GO Swampert, Swampert, 3KM ; Pokemon GO Poochyena, Poochyena, 1KM.

What is buddy Distance for Ralts, 3km or 5km?

Ralts is 5km. That's the only gen 3 I know because I have one as a buddy at the moment. Up. 0. Down.

Buddy Adventure - Pokémon GO

Reach 10km with Eevee as your buddy and evolve it while it's still your buddy for it to be Espeon in Day or Umbreon at night. As you walk with the Pokémon, when ...

Pokemon GO Buddy Candy Distance Tier List

10KM will enable this Easter Egg. After 10KM Pikachu will be placed on your shoulder, instead of standing next to you. Preparing Candies For Gen 3. Gen 3 ...

Gen 3 buddy distances? : rTheSilphRoad

Well, I can say with 100% certainty that duskull and shuppet are 3km, and sableye is 5km (halved during the Halloween event, so 1.5km and 2.5km) ...

Pokémon GO Buddy Distance Chart

評分 7.1/10 (282) · Pick the Pokémon you want as your buddy and you'll see a distance listed in kilometers – this is how long you'll have to walk before you get a ...

1 km Buddy Pokémon List

A list of all Pokémon that require 1 km (0.61 miles) walking to earn 1 Candy as a Buddy Pokémon. One kilometer is equivalent to 0.6214 miles.

3 km Buddy Pokémon List

A list of all Pokémon that require 3 km (1.84 miles) walking to earn 1 Candy as a Buddy Pokémon. One kilometer is equivalent to 0.6214 miles. #. Name. Max CP.

Pokémon Go Buddy distance chart for when Buddy Pokémon drop ...

Pokémon Go Buddy Distances allow you to work out which Buddy to accompany you everywhere you go to earn some free Candy.

Compilation of All Gen 3 Buddy Distances : rTheSilphRoad

Pokemon that you hold in your arms or stand on your shoulder have to be walked 5-10 km. I forget which, but I believe it's 10km. Then they go in your arms or ...


PokemonGOMudkip,Mudkip,3KM;PokemonGOMarshtomp,Marshtomp,3KM;PokemonGOSwampert,Swampert,3KM;PokemonGOPoochyena,Poochyena,1KM.,Raltsis5km.That'stheonlygen3IknowbecauseIhaveoneasabuddyatthemoment.Up.0.Down.,Reach10kmwithEeveeasyourbuddyandevolveitwhileit'sstillyourbuddyforittobeEspeoninDayorUmbreonatnight.AsyouwalkwiththePokémon,when ...,10KMwillenablethisEasterEgg.After10KMPikachuwillbeplacedony...