Sharing by PolyU ABB Graduate Lorraine Leung

JingyunmadehistorybybecomingthefirstPolyUstudenttoreceivethescholarship.Eachawardee,includingJingyun,waspresentedwitha ...,TheoptionofaSecondaryMajorinInnovationandEntrepreneurshipisavailabletostudentstakingtheBSc(Hons)inAppliedBiologywithBiotech...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ABB Student He Jingyun Receives HKLSS ...

Jingyun made history by becoming the first PolyU student to receive the scholarship. Each awardee, including Jingyun, was presented with a ...

BSc (Hons) Scheme in Biotechnology and Chemical Technology

The option of a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is available to students taking the BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology.

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology

The programme aims to produce competent professionals in biotechnology to meet the needs of biotechnology-related sectors in Hong Kong, China and the world. In ...

BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology

The programme aims to nurture competent professionals in biotechnology to meet the needs of related sectors in Hong Kong, China and the world.

PolyU Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Biology with ...

PolyU Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology. PolyU ABCT. Playlist•11 videos•100 views.

PolyU ABB Workshop “BiotechWork

BiotechWork: International biotech research” is a certificate program for S.5 students interested in biotech study.

Sharing by PolyU ABB Graduate Lorraine Leung

Sharing by PolyU ABB Graduate Lorraine Leung. 71 views · 3 years ago ...more. PolyU ABCT. 292. Subscribe.

Applied Biology with Biotechnology

評分 5.0 (1) ABB has been established for more than 26 years. After long waiting for years, in June 2019, we the ABB family are going to hold a homecoming party!

Applied Biology with Biotechnology

評分 5.0 (1) ABB has been established for more than 26 years. After long waiting for years, in June 2019, we the ABB family are going to hold a homecoming party!


JingyunmadehistorybybecomingthefirstPolyUstudenttoreceivethescholarship.Eachawardee,includingJingyun,waspresentedwitha ...,TheoptionofaSecondaryMajorinInnovationandEntrepreneurshipisavailabletostudentstakingtheBSc(Hons)inAppliedBiologywithBiotechnology.,Theprogrammeaimstoproducecompetentprofessionalsinbiotechnologytomeettheneedsofbiotechnology-relatedsectorsinHongKong,Chinaandtheworld.In ...,T...