MSc in Global Food Safety Management and Risk Analysis [15057]

BSc(Hons)inFoodSafetyandTechnologyThisprogrammeaimtofostergraduatestobecomefoodtechnologists,foodinnovatorsandfoodsafetyofficers.Our ...,呢個學位一共要讀四年‍,係一年級嘅時候,同學需要讀數學、物理、化學同生物等科目,為日後嘅課程打好基礎。,TheFood...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - food sci & nutrition

BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology This programme aim to foster graduates to become food technologists, food innovators and food safety officers. Our ...

【PolyU Food Safety and Technology 全攻略】JUPAS 收分、出路及 ...

呢個學位一共要讀四年 ‍ ,係一年級嘅時候,同學需要讀數學、物理、化學同生物等科目,為日後嘅課程打好基礎。

JS3255 - Bachelor of Science (Honours) Scheme in Food ...

The Food Safety and Technology (FST) programme meets the global priority of education in food safety, health and sustainable food development. · As the only ...

Food Safety and Technology Research Centre - Hong Kong

FSTRC actively promotes the research and development of food safety and technology in six key areas, namely 1) testing and certification, 2) risk analysis and ...

Master of Science in Global Food Safety Management and Risk ...

To provide students with advanced knowledge of the major and emerging hazards affecting food safety from a global perspective. Upon completion of this programme ...

BSc (Hons) Scheme in Food Safety and Technology (15455) (Intake ...

Remarks. Students will be awarded a BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology upon successful completion of all graduation requirements.

BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology (SY Entry)

Our programme equips students with the scientific and engineering skills needed to understand, characterise and manipulate food for various applications.

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Safety and Technology

Our programme equips students with the scientific and engineering skills needed to understand, characterise and manipulate food for various applications.

Food Safety and Technology Research Centre, PolyU Hong Kong

Our MSc in Global Food Safety Management and Risk Analysis is now open for application! 我們的環球食品安全管理及風險分析碩士課程 現正招生 .


BSc(Hons)inFoodSafetyandTechnologyThisprogrammeaimtofostergraduatestobecomefoodtechnologists,foodinnovatorsandfoodsafetyofficers.Our ...,呢個學位一共要讀四年‍,係一年級嘅時候,同學需要讀數學、物理、化學同生物等科目,為日後嘅課程打好基礎。,TheFoodSafetyandTechnology(FST)programmemeetstheglobalpriorityofeducationinfoodsafety,healthandsustainablefooddevelopment.·Astheonly ...,FSTRCactivelypromote...