Nevus flammeus (port

Aport-winestain(nevusflammeus)isadiscolorationofthehumanskincausedbyavascularanomalyTheyaresonamedfortheircoloration,whichis ...,WhatArePort-WineStains?Aport-winestainisatypeofbirthmark.Itgotitsnamebecauseitlookslikemaroonwinewasspilledorsplashed...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Port-wine stain

A port-wine stain (nevus flammeus) is a discoloration of the human skin caused by a vascular anomaly They are so named for their coloration, which is ...

Port-Wine Stains (for Parents)

What Are Port-Wine Stains? A port-wine stain is a type of birthmark. It got its name because it looks like maroon wine was spilled or splashed on the skin.

Port-wine stain

A port-wine stain is a birthmark in which swollen blood vessels create a reddish-purplish discoloration of the skin.

Port Wine Stain

A port wine stain is a permanent birthmark that usually appears on the face. It starts as a smooth, flat, pink or red patch on a newborn.

Port wine stains

A port wine stain is a vascular birthmark caused by abnormal development of blood vessels in the skin. A port wine stain is sometimes referred to as a ...

Port-wine stain Information | Mount Sinai

A port-wine stain is a birthmark in which swollen blood vessels create a reddish-purplish discoloration of the skin. Port wine stain on a child's face.

Nevus Flammeus - StatPearls

Nevus flammeus or port-wine stain is a capillary malformation usually presenting as a unilateral pink or red discoloration on the skin.

Kids Health Info : Port wine stains

Port wine stains (also known as capillary malformations) are permanent red or blue-coloured birthmarks that are present from birth.


葡萄酒斑(PORT-WINE STAIN) · 葡萄酒斑,是一種先天性的皮膚問題, · 起因於血管,故臨床呈現紅色, · 因病灶的顏色如同葡萄酒般的暗紅色, · 而稱之為葡萄酒斑。 · 葡萄酒斑 ...

Port-Wine Stain Birthmarks

A port-wine stain happens when chemical signals in tiny blood vessels don't turn off, and those blood vessels get bigger. The extra blood ...


Aport-winestain(nevusflammeus)isadiscolorationofthehumanskincausedbyavascularanomalyTheyaresonamedfortheircoloration,whichis ...,WhatArePort-WineStains?Aport-winestainisatypeofbirthmark.Itgotitsnamebecauseitlookslikemaroonwinewasspilledorsplashedontheskin.,Aport-winestainisabirthmarkinwhichswollenbloodvesselscreateareddish-purplishdiscolorationoftheskin.,Aportwinestainisapermanentbirthmarkthat...