
Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, combines Hogwarts ... Purpose of collection and use of personal information: pre-registration, event participation, payment ...

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

Start your very own adventure in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery—an exciting role-playing game full of spells, romance, magical creatures, interactive stories, ...

How to Pre-Register for Jam City's 'Harry Potter

2018年3月1日 — To pre-register on Android, open the Play Store on your device, then search for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. When the game appears in the ...

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Pre

You can pre-register now on Google Play if you are an Android user or register yourself on their official site to be notified when the game is officially ...

Hogwarts Mystery

Get ready to begin your Hogwarts story where you will be able to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Progress as a student through all seven ...

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

PORTKEY GAMES: Harry Potter Magic Awakened. App Store Pre-Register on Google Play. Master the Magic Podcast Episode 5 - Book with No Name. Harry Potter: Magic ...

Preregister Now for "Harry Potter

2018年3月2日 — Unlock new characters, spells, potions, and locations as you advance through the years of Hogwarts. Customize your student avatar. Mystery and ...

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery pre

2018年3月1日 — Unlock new characters, spells, potions and locations as you advance through the years of Hogwarts. Customize your student avatar. Mystery and ...


HarryPotter:MagicAwakened,combinesHogwarts...Purposeofcollectionanduseofpersonalinformation:pre-registration,eventparticipation,payment ...,StartyourveryownadventureinHarryPotter:HogwartsMystery—anexcitingrole-playinggamefullofspells,romance,magicalcreatures,interactivestories, ...,2018年3月1日—Topre-registeronAndroid,openthePlayStoreonyourdevice,thensearchforHarryPotter:HogwartsMystery.Whenth...