PREDATOR 2 Trailer + Clip (1990) Danny Glover, Sci Fi Movie

Predator2isa1990AmericansciencefictionactionfilmwrittenbybrothersJimandJohnThomas,directedbyStephenHopkins,andstarringDannyGlover, ...,Predator2isa1990railshootervideogamedevelopedbyOxfordMobiusandArcDevelopmentsandpublishedbyImageWorks,Konamiand...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Predator 2

Predator 2 is a 1990 American science fiction action film written by brothers Jim and John Thomas, directed by Stephen Hopkins, and starring Danny Glover, ...

Predator 2 (1990 video game)

Predator 2 is a 1990 rail shooter video game developed by Oxford Mobius and Arc Developments and published by Image Works, Konami and Mirrorsoft for MS-DOS, ...

Predator 2 (1990)

We take the alien super hunter out of the jungle and throw him into the city, replace the commando Arnold and sub in seasoned veteran cop Glover. It's not ...

Predator 2 (Two

If you have never seen this movie, I can't predict whether you will like it or not, but if you want a time machine back to the year 1990 in all it's big-budget ...

“Cast” credits

Cast (73) · Kevin Peter Hall · Danny Glover · Gary Busey · Rubén Blades · Maria Conchita Alonso · Bill Paxton · Robert Davi · Adam Baldwin.


Predator2isa1990AmericansciencefictionactionfilmwrittenbybrothersJimandJohnThomas,directedbyStephenHopkins,andstarringDannyGlover, ...,Predator2isa1990railshootervideogamedevelopedbyOxfordMobiusandArcDevelopmentsandpublishedbyImageWorks,KonamiandMirrorsoftforMS-DOS, ...,Wetakethealiensuperhunteroutofthejungleandthrowhimintothecity,replacethecommandoArnoldandsubinseasonedveterancopGlover.It'sno...