Predators | Official Trailer HD | 20th Century FOX

Predators(2010)castandcrewcredits,includingactors,actresses,directors,writersandmore.,Broughttogetheronamysteriousplanet,amercenary(AdrienBrody)andagroupofcoldbloodedkillersnowbecometheprey.Anewbreedofalienspursues ...,Whenagroupofpeoplefindthems...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Full Cast & Crew

Predators (2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.


Brought together on a mysterious planet, a mercenary (Adrien Brody) and a group of coldblooded killers now become the prey. A new breed of aliens pursues ...

Predators (2010)

When a group of people find themselves in a jungle, they realize that they are on a completely different planet and it's home to a race of extraterrestrial ...

Predators (2010)

Predators (2010) ; 語言. English, French ; 運行時間. 1 小時和45 分鐘 ; 執行時間, ‎1 小時和45 分鐘 ; 光碟片數量, ‎1 ; 媒體格式, ‎NTSC.

Predators (2010) [DVD]

Predators (2010) [DVD] ; 運行時間. 1 小時和42 分鐘 ; 執行時間, ‎1 小時和42 分鐘 ; 光碟片數量, ‎1 ; 媒體格式, ‎Digital Sound, PAL, Dolby, Widescreen ; 語言, ‎English ...

Predators (film)

Predators is a 2010 American science fiction action film directed by Nimród Antal, written by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch, and was distributed by 20th ...

Predators (film) | Xenopedia

han Predators is a 2010 science fiction film directed by Nimród Antal and starring Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Oleg Taktarov, ...


《終極戰士團》(英語:Predators,中國大陸譯《新鐵血戰士》,香港譯《鐵血戰士S》),有時也譯為《終極戰士3》,是一部2010年由20世紀福斯電影公司出品的美國科幻 ...


Predators(2010)castandcrewcredits,includingactors,actresses,directors,writersandmore.,Broughttogetheronamysteriousplanet,amercenary(AdrienBrody)andagroupofcoldbloodedkillersnowbecometheprey.Anewbreedofalienspursues ...,Whenagroupofpeoplefindthemselvesinajungle,theyrealizethattheyareonacompletelydifferentplanetandit'shometoaraceofextraterrestrial ...,Predators(2010);語言.English,French;運行時間...