pressy app
pressy app

2022年1月14日—Pressyistheapplicationnecessarytomakethegadgetofthesamenamework.It'sabuttonthatconnectstoyoursmartphonethroughthe ...,2016年6月6日—Pressybringsbacksimplicitytoyourphone.Performyourfavoriteandmostcommonactionswithasimple,intuitivephy...

Pressy Button

PressyButtonorPressyisaprogrammablebuttonthatcanbeinsertedintotheheadphonesocketofasmartphoneortabletandusedasanextrabuttonto ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Pressy APK Download for Android Free

2022年1月14日 — Pressy is the application necessary to make the gadget of the same name work. It's a button that connects to your smartphone through the ...


2016年6月6日 — Pressy brings back simplicity to your phone. Perform your favorite and most common actions with a simple, intuitive physical button.


App for setting tasks to perform when pressing on your mSwitch or other compatible plug, or your Android Wear device. The big difference between mSwitch and ...

Pressy Audio Jack Control - APK Download for Android

Download Pressy Audio Jack Control 1.1 APK for Android right now ... NOTE: This app may be conflict with other apps that listen to audio inline controls.


Download: Pressy - The Almighty Button APK (App) - ✓ Latest Version: 1.1.0 - Updated: 2023 - - Pressy - Free - Mobile App for Android.

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3 天前 — 線上學習用PressPlay Academy 就夠了!隨時隨地從影音、文章、podcast、社團、群組等各種學習模式中獲得知識,給你最自由彈性的線上學習平台。

Presentations and videos with engaging visuals for hybrid ...

Welcome to Prezi, the presentation software that uses motion, zoom, and spatial relationships to bring your ideas to life and make you a great presenter.

Pressy Button

Pressy Button or Pressy is a programmable button that can be inserted into the headphone socket of a smartphone or tablet and used as an extra button to ...

將Android手機耳機孔變成萬用按鍵!... - APP玩家

2013年10月8日 — Pressy -- 將Android手機耳機孔變成萬用按鍵! 「將這個小小的零件插進手機的3.5mm耳機孔,透過Pr essy的APP,使用者就可以設定按鍵的功能了!


2022年1月14日—Pressyistheapplicationnecessarytomakethegadgetofthesamenamework.It'sabuttonthatconnectstoyoursmartphonethroughthe ...,2016年6月6日—Pressybringsbacksimplicitytoyourphone.Performyourfavoriteandmostcommonactionswithasimple,intuitivephysicalbutton.,AppforsettingtaskstoperformwhenpressingonyourmSwitchorothercompatibleplug,oryourAndroidWeardevice.ThebigdifferencebetweenmSwitchand ...,D...


