PrimalRage.1988·Shudder·1h30min·英文音訊·NC-17.HorrorSci-Fi/FantasyThriller/Mystery.此產品已18歲以下兒童禁止觀賞分級為NC-17,美國.18歲以下 ...,PrimalRageisafightinggamedevelopedandreleasedbyAtariGamesforarcadesin1994.Thegametakesplaceonapost-apoc...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Primal Rage - 觀看電影與電視節目

Primal Rage. 1988 · Shudder · 1 h 30 min · 英文音訊· NC-17. Horror Sci-Fi/Fantasy Thriller/Mystery. 此產品已18 歲以下兒童禁止觀賞分級為NC-17,美國. 18 歲以下 ...

Primal Rage

Primal Rage is a fighting game developed and released by Atari Games for arcades in 1994. The game takes place on a post-apocalyptic version of Earth called ...

Primal Rage Wiki

Primal Rage is a traditional two-dimensional fighting game in which two players select characters to battle each other in one-on-one combat, or a single player ... Primal Rage II · Vertigo · Blizzard · Sauron

Primal Rage - WARFRAME Wiki

Primal Rage is a Warframe Augment Mod for Wukong that increases the critical chance of Primal Fury with every kill, up to a maximum of 150%.

Primal Rage : 電動遊戲

評分 3.2 (48) 產品詳細資訊 ; 製造商停產: 否 ; 產品尺寸: 11.18 x 7.11 x 1.27 厘米; 68.04 公克 ; 項目型號: SNES ; 首度推出日: 11 月13, 2006 ; 製造商: Sega Genesis ...

Primal Rage - Nintendo Super NES : 電動遊戲

評分 3.9 (64) 產品詳細資訊 · 製造商停產: 是 · 產品尺寸: 20.32 x 10.16 x 25.4 厘米; 68.04 公克 · 我們建議的年齡: 12 - 20 年 · 首度推出日: 1 月1, 2000 · 製造商: Midway · ASIN: ...

Primal Rage (2018)

評分 5/10 (4,323) A newly reunited young couple's drive through the Pacific Northwest turns into a nightmare as they are forced to face nature, unsavory locals, ...

Primal Rage - Quest VR 遊戲

評分 5.0 (1) · A horror game based off of big scary and fun monkey horror. It is multiplayer and is updated almost every week.

Primal Rage (Arcade) 【Longplay】

17:29 Go to channel Primal Rage (Arcade PCB) Completed No Continues, 1CC with Chaos - Default Difficulty Pete Hahn - Retro Gaming

Primal Rage | Full Movie | Action Survival Horror

Primal Rage - Lost deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, Ashley and Max Carr are stalked by a terrifying creature that might be ...


PrimalRage.1988·Shudder·1h30min·英文音訊·NC-17.HorrorSci-Fi/FantasyThriller/Mystery.此產品已18歲以下兒童禁止觀賞分級為NC-17,美國.18歲以下 ...,PrimalRageisafightinggamedevelopedandreleasedbyAtariGamesforarcadesin1994.Thegametakesplaceonapost-apocalypticversionofEarthcalled ...,PrimalRageisatraditionaltwo-dimensionalfightinggameinwhichtwoplayersselectcharacterstobattleeachotherinone-on-onecomba...