Pro HDR X, [iPhone],[iPad] Программа, позволяющая создавать HDR снимки на iPhone ... Прикрепленный файл Pro HDR X (v1.1).ipa ( 1.21 МБ ). #. Прошлые версии. 1.0.
HDR Plus+: Pro Camera RAWHEIF
評分 3.9 (142) · 免費 · iOS Capture brilliant HDR Photos like a pro or easily using the power of Machine Learning. Choose from JPEG exposure capturing and merging to DSLR-like RAW photos.
IOS app for AEB HDR
Someone recommended Pro HDR X it's just a few dollars. You can merge 3 images with the app, I haven't really used it much to give you an ...
Pro HDR Camera 2.35 Free Download
From the team that created Pro HDR for iOS, now you can automatically create stunning full-resolution HDR images with just a single tap on your Android phone.
Introducing Pro HDR X
Pro HDR X captures true HDR images automatically and instantly, with dramatically better results than ever before.
Key Features · Instant HDR capture using three separate full-resolution exposures for maximum dynamic range · Both automatic and manual exposure mode options ...