
User Profile for Project Naptha – Add

The profile of Project Naptha, a Firefox extension and theme author. Find other apps by Project Naptha, including average ratings, tenure, and the option to ...

Copyfish – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh

評分 4.0 (172) · 免費 · For extension gurus: You might have heard of Project Naptha, a great addon that applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every ...

User Profile for Project Naptha - Firefox Browser Add

The profile of Project Naptha, a Firefox extension and theme author. Find other apps by Project Naptha, including average ratings, tenure, and the option to ...

Project Naptha

Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web.

Project Naptha

Project Naptha is a browser extension software for Google Chrome that allows users to highlight, copy, edit and translate text from within images.

Project Naptha

Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web.

Project Naptha 讓圖片裡的文字可被複製、選取(Chrome 擴充功能)

目前只能在Google Chrome 瀏覽器上使用,未來也會釋出Firefox 可用的附加功能。 使用教學使用者可以直接從Project Naptha 網站來下載、安裝擴充功能,或是連結到Chrome ...

神奇複製網頁圖片內文字: Project Naptha Chrome 套件

Google Chrome 擴充套件:「 Project Naptha 」,它的功能很簡單,就是幫我們直接複製網頁「圖片上」的文字內容。

Is there something like 'Project Naptha' available for Firefox ...

Project Naptha lets you highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image. r/webdev - ...

Project Naptha : rfirefox

Project Naptha, which is an extension which automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web.


TheprofileofProjectNaptha,aFirefoxextensionandthemeauthor.FindotherappsbyProjectNaptha,includingaverageratings,tenure,andtheoptionto ...,評分4.0(172)·免費·Forextensiongurus:YoumighthaveheardofProjectNaptha,agreataddonthatappliesstate-of-the-artcomputervisionalgorithmsonevery ...,TheprofileofProjectNaptha,aFirefoxextensionandthemeauthor.FindotherappsbyProjectNaptha,includingaverageratings,tenur...