How To Pronounce Names App

評分4.8(26,605)·免費·iOSIt'sverysimpletouse,youjusttypethewordyouwanttopronounceandpressthe“READ”,buttontohearthepronunciationofthatword,that'sit!It'sa ...,HowtopronounceApp?PronunciationofApp.Appispronouncedas.John.Appispronouncedas:[John].Recor...。參考影片的文章的如下:


(How to) Pronounce on the App Store

評分 4.8 (26,605) · 免費 · iOS It's very simple to use, you just type the word you want to pronounce and press the “READ”, button to hear the pronunciation of that word, that's it! It's a ...

How to pronounce App? (RECOMMENDED)

How to pronounce App? Pronunciation of App. App is pronounced as. John. App is pronounced as:[ John ]. Record App Upload Audio File. Type of Name: Johnny.


評分 4.2 (250) · 免費 · iOS inogolo is devoted to the English pronunciation of the names of people, places, and various things. The app accesses thousands of pronunciations (most have ...

Learn how to pronounce names

Free easy-to-learn online names pronunciation tool. Learn how to pronounce celebrity names, baby names, meanings and origin of names using audios and videos.

NameShouts - Name Pronunciation tool

COMPREHENSIVE DATABASE NameShouts is the most in-depth name pronunciation tool on the Internet. Our network of native speakers ensure the accuracy of every name ...


NameShouts is a web app, which helps you pronounce a person's name correctly. It's FREE! Search Type in full name and select the appropriate Language.

Pronounce Names (Free) for Android - Free App Download

PronounceNames (, the dictionary of name pronunciation, is a website dedicated to help people pronounce names correctly. Show ...

Pronounce Names is a crowdsourced website offering a pronunciation guide for names of people and places, allowing users to find, share, ...


評分 4.2 (7,071) · 免費 · Android With our Pronunciation app, simply input the text, and you'll hear a clear pronunciation of the word. To refine your pronunciation, choose between American and ...

Spell & Pronounce words right

評分 4.6 (1,319) · 免費 · Android This application spell and pronounce will help those users who face difficulties while remembering spellings and do not know how to pronounce a correct word.


評分4.8(26,605)·免費·iOSIt'sverysimpletouse,youjusttypethewordyouwanttopronounceandpressthe“READ”,buttontohearthepronunciationofthatword,that'sit!It'sa ...,HowtopronounceApp?PronunciationofApp.Appispronouncedas.John.Appispronouncedas:[John].RecordAppUploadAudioFile.TypeofName:Johnny.,評分4.2(250)·免費·iOSinogoloisdevotedtotheEnglishpronunciationofthenamesofpeople,places,andvariousthings.Theapp...