Iobit Protected Folder Review



Protected Folder

The best files protection tool to keep important files in security, IObit Protected Folder for windows 10 protects files and data effectively.

Protected Folder Review

2013年12月27日 — Designed with the novice user in mind, IObit's Protected Folder offers a straightforward solution to hiding files and folders from pry eyes, ...

Protected Folder

Protected Folder lets you lock files and folders so that they're not only inaccessible to other users, but also remain invisible to other Windows applications.

Folder Lock Software Reviews, Pros and Cons

Excellent and user friendly. It is extremely easy to use in general. The support is helpful and active. Fast reply and helping with everything. Easy to use on ...

Folder Lock Review

Folder Lock packs a ton of useful encryption-related features into a bright and cheerful package that's easy to navigate. While not as technically deep, it ...

Iobit Protected Folder [Download]

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Iobit Protected Folder [Download] at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our ...

Protected Folder for Windows

Lightweight and easy to use, it offers all the tools you'll need for your basic protections. Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of Protected ...

Folder Lock version 7 review

2021年11月8日 — Simple to use and deploy encryption tool that relies on hiding files from prying eyes as much as encryption to protect sensitive documents.

Iobit Protected Folder Review

2023年12月16日 — After thoroughly testing Iobit Protected Folder, we can confidently say that it is an excellent solution for securing your files and folders.


Thebestfilesprotectiontooltokeepimportantfilesinsecurity,IObitProtectedFolderforwindows10protectsfilesanddataeffectively.,2013年12月27日—Designedwiththenoviceuserinmind,IObit'sProtectedFolderoffersastraightforwardsolutiontohidingfilesandfoldersfrompryeyes, ...,ProtectedFolderletsyoulockfilesandfolderssothatthey'renotonlyinaccessibletootherusers,butalsoremaininvisibletootherWindowsapplications....