
Capture Card Not Working

2024年6月1日 — I set OBS ready to record some footage using my PS3. It was working fine until I selected a game off the PS3's main menu.

Problem capture card PS3 :

I have a strange problem (not to change) I started to capture the Playstation 3, well already you should know that most games are blocked in 720p with a few ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game ...

Elgato Game Capture HD60 S can't capture any PlayStation 3 (PS3) gameplay.Elgato Game Capture HD60 S only accepts unencrypted HDMI input...

help no picture using hd60x and ps3 brand new card, first ...

2023年2月11日 — Is there picture in the capture software on the PC? I'm pretty sure the PS3 has some compatibility issues with Elgato due to HDMI HDCP.

Black Screen on PS3 with ElgatoHD60S+

2021年1月20日 — The tv pops up with ps3 but my game capture hd app has a black screen on it. When i change the settings of the recording in the game capture hd ...


2024年6月1日—IsetOBSreadytorecordsomefootageusingmyPS3.ItwasworkingfineuntilIselectedagameoffthePS3'smainmenu.,Ihaveastrangeproblem(nottochange)IstartedtocapturethePlaystation3,wellalreadyyoushouldknowthatmostgamesareblockedin720pwithafew ...,ElgatoGameCaptureHD60Scan'tcaptureanyPlayStation3(PS3)gameplay.ElgatoGameCaptureHD60SonlyacceptsunencryptedHDMIinput...,2023年2月11日—Istherepictureinthe...