How To Use A PS3 Controller On A PC Wirelessly



How to Connect a PS3 Controller to PC (Windows 10 ...

In this quick and easy tutorial, I'll show you how to connect a DualShock 3 controller to a PC running Windows 10.

How to use a PS3 controller on PC guide

A guide for using the DualShock 3 wired and Bluetooth, from Windows 7 to Windows 11.

How To Connect My PS3 Controller to My Windows 10 PC

I tried to plug in my PS3 Controller into my Laptop but in my Control Panel. there is no PLAYSTATION3 CONTROLLER recognized. but my controller ...

What can I use to get a PS3 controller to work on PC?

As per adapter, you can get a mayflash ns or the 8bitdo one. I have both and I highly recommend the mayflash. The dualshock 2 is not ...

SCPToolkit for Windows

評分 3.0 (4) · 免費 · Windows SCPToolkit is a driver that allows you to use PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 controllers on Windows. The most advanced tool available is DS4Windows.

How to Connect PS3 Controller to PC | No SCP Toolkit

In this video, I'll Explain How to Connect the PS3 Controller to the PC. With DsHidMini you'll be able to Connect your PS3 Controller on PC.

How to Connect a PS3 Controller to a PC

This article explains how to connect and use a PS3's DualShock 3 controller with a PC, with or without a Bluetooth dongle, so that you can play games on Steam ...

How to use ps3 controller on Windows 11

There is software names Sixaxis pair tool you can use it to connect with your ps3 controller, was using it on my windows 10 don't know if it works in windows ...

ps3 controller

ps3 controller ; 支援Steam/BlueStacks/NOX夜神/PC360 · (7). $875 ; 舒適手感加強操控靈活度 · (17). $175. $399 ; 【專業PS4帽蓋】 · $220. $400.


Inthisquickandeasytutorial,I'llshowyouhowtoconnectaDualShock3controllertoaPCrunningWindows10.,AguideforusingtheDualShock3wiredandBluetooth,fromWindows7toWindows11.,ItriedtopluginmyPS3ControllerintomyLaptopbutinmyControlPanel.thereisnoPLAYSTATION3CONTROLLERrecognized.butmycontroller ...,Asperadapter,youcangetamayflashnsorthe8bitdoone.IhavebothandIhighlyrecommendthemayflash.Thedualshock2isnot .....