
4.66 Custom Firmware (CFW) & Updated Homebrew Apps

2014年11月20日 — i am new at this ps3 jailbreak, i was wondering if i can jailbreak my ps3 slim 4.66. i already try 4.66 FERROX v1.00 4.66 FERROX (NO-BD EDITION) ...

How to jailbreak my PS3 slim running 4.66 OFW

2014年12月2日 — Go to the jailbreak ZIP folder hosting site on a computer, click the teal button, and click if your browser asks to store files on your computer ...

Jailbreaking a ps3 slim running 4.66 ofw

2016年12月15日 — Long answer: You WILL need to install hardware onto your PS3 in order to downgrade it to 3.55 and jailbreak it. However, that all depends on ...

PS3 Brew

007 to your jailbreak PS3 currently on HFW/OFW 4.75 up to 4.91. ... Download: Littlebalup's 4.90 Dual Boot firmware for PS3 already on CFW CEX ... 4.66 CEX/DEX, ...

PS3 fat 4.66

2022年6月2日 — Hi there, I have a ps3 fat CECHH04 on 4.66 I need some advice to make it the easiest software jailbreak for me.

PS3 Jailbreak 4.75

Here you can download CFW Jailbreak of the Latest 4.75, 4.70, 4.66 and 4.65 Firmware! PS3 Jailbreak 4.75/4.70/4.66 - CFW 4.75/4.70/4.66 Rogero or Habib!

Sony PlayStation 3 Firmware 4.66

2016年3月28日 — Download Sony PlayStation 3 Firmware 4.66 - Firmware.


2014年11月20日—iamnewatthisps3jailbreak,iwaswonderingificanjailbreakmyps3slim4.66.ialreadytry4.66FERROXv1.004.66FERROX(NO-BDEDITION) ...,2014年12月2日—GotothejailbreakZIPfolderhostingsiteonacomputer,clickthetealbutton,andclickifyourbrowseraskstostorefilesonyourcomputer ...,2016年12月15日—Longanswer:YouWILLneedtoinstallhardwareontoyourPS3inordertodowngradeitto3.55andjailbreakit.However,thatalld...