
PS3 Jailbreak - CFW

PS3 Jailbreak 4.75/4.70/4.66/4.65 - CFW 4.75/4.70. Here you can download CFW Jailbreak of the Latest 4.75, 4.70, 4.66, 4.65.

PS3 - NOR & NAND Auto Patcher v4.70 By darkjiros | PSX

Here comes another 4.70 related release as Ps3 Developer darkjiros has updated the very popular and useful utility used for Downgrading ...

Ps3 Firmware 4.70

Yes you will need to downgrade yourself to 3.55, it's not done on its own. After that you can jailbreak that firmware and do as you please. Can I use the rogero ...

搜索结果_PS3 rogero 4.55 怎么刷成rebug 4.7

我的软破ps3怎么知道是robug还是rogero和habib系统? 你要刷最新自制的话,推荐刷最新的habib cobra混合自制4.65即可。rogero自制现在也没了。rebug是开发机自制系统,没特殊 ...

4.70 Custom Firmware (CFW) & Updated Homebrew Apps

You just need to research on what Cobra offers. For me personally Cobra is the way to go (Auto Loading plugins on boot, Network loading of ps3 ...

playstation 3 4.70 hackable : rps3hacks

All PS3 are hackable. But only some ps3 slims and below are CFW hackable, this means you can install a custom operating system on the console.

Tutorial - 4.70 FERROX v1.00

It's best for you to stay on Rogero 4.55 or you an update to Darknet 4.66 or Habib 4.66 by system update then update via storage media (make ...


Since my ps3 is jailbroken already in theory i can just use the Rogero Downgrader CFW bring it back to 3.55 and install what ever CFW i want on ...

How to Jailbreak Your PS3 on Firmware 4.90 or Lower ...

PS3 Toolset makes jailbreaking a PS3 easier, faster, and safer than ever before! If you have a compatible PlayStation 3 on firmware 4.90 or ...

Downgrade my PS3 on Rogero 3.55 CFW error help?

If it says 3.56 or lower then your console is downgradeable. If it is then you will need to either buy an e3 flasher and use that to downgrade your console.


PS3Jailbreak4.75/4.70/4.66/4.65-CFW4.75/4.70.HereyoucandownloadCFWJailbreakoftheLatest4.75,4.70,4.66,4.65.,Herecomesanother4.70relatedreleaseasPs3DeveloperdarkjiroshasupdatedtheverypopularandusefulutilityusedforDowngrading ...,Yesyouwillneedtodowngradeyourselfto3.55,it'snotdoneonitsown.Afterthatyoucanjailbreakthatfirmwareanddoasyouplease.CanIusetherogero ...,我的软破ps3怎么知道是robug还是roger...