PUNCH OUT | English meaning
to stop work, especially by recording the time that you leave work on a special machine: I can't punch out until the work is done.
PUNCH OUT in Traditional Chinese
to use a special clock to record the time you leave work · 下班打卡. (Translation of punch out from the Cambridge English-Chinese ...
punch out
(transitive) To hit a person so that they become unconscious (knocked out). (transitive) To use a punch to remove a piece of material or to remove a piece ...
PUNCH OUT definition and meaning
4 天前 · 1. US to record the time of one's departure by means of a time clock 2. Slang to beat up See full dictionary entry for punch.
PUNCH-OUT Definition & Meaning
noun · a small section of cardboard or metal surrounded by perforations so that it can be easily forced out. · Slang. a fistfight or brawl. · Baseball. the air- ...
punch out - LDOCE
punch out meaning, definition, what is punch out: to record the time that you leave work, ...: Learn more.