
PUNCH OUT | English meaning

to stop work, especially by recording the time that you leave work on a special machine: I can't punch out until the work is done.

PUNCH OUT in Traditional Chinese

to use a special clock to record the time you leave work · 下班打卡. (Translation of punch out from the Cambridge English-Chinese ...

punch out

(transitive) To hit a person so that they become unconscious (knocked out). (transitive) To use a punch to remove a piece of material or to remove a piece ...

PUNCH OUT definition and meaning

4 天前 · 1. US to record the time of one's departure by means of a time clock 2. Slang to beat up See full dictionary entry for punch.

PUNCH-OUT Definition & Meaning

noun · a small section of cardboard or metal surrounded by perforations so that it can be easily forced out. · Slang. a fistfight or brawl. · Baseball. the air- ...

punch out - LDOCE

punch out meaning, definition, what is punch out: to record the time that you leave work, ...: Learn more.

PUNCH-OUT Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. : to record the time of one's stopping work or departure by punching a time clock . 2. : to bail out of an aircraft using an ejection seat.

What is the meaning of 'punching in' and 'punching out'?

Punch out means to record the time of one's stopping work or departure by punching a time clock.

Punch out - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

Other forms: punched out; punching out; punches out. Definitions of punch out. verb. register one's departure from work. synonyms: clock off, clock out.


tostopwork,especiallybyrecordingthetimethatyouleaveworkonaspecialmachine:Ican'tpunchoutuntiltheworkisdone.,touseaspecialclocktorecordthetimeyouleavework·下班打卡.(TranslationofpunchoutfromtheCambridgeEnglish-Chinese ...,(transitive)Tohitapersonsothattheybecomeunconscious(knockedout).(transitive)Touseapunchtoremoveapieceofmaterialortoremoveapiece ...,4天前·1.UStorecordthetimeofone'sdeparturebym...