Introducing Portal, WiFi file transfers made easy

2021年10月10日—ConnectyourphoneviaWiFi,cableorbluetoothandyou'llbesurprisedhoweasyandefficientitwillbetomanageyourphonewithour ...,Bringingtogetheryourdevices,friends,andthethingsyoucareabout.,2021年10月4日—ClosingThePortalApp...Portalwasapassion...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Alternative to Portal by Pushbullet

2021年10月10日 — Connect your phone via WiFi, cable or bluetooth and you'll be surprised how easy and efficient it will be to manage your phone with our ...

Android Apps by Pushbullet on Google Play

Bringing together your devices, friends, and the things you care about.

Closing The Portal App

2021年10月4日 — Closing The Portal App ... Portal was a passion project that we built to experiment with other ways of moving data between phones and computers.

Introducing Portal

2015年6月16日 — Portal enables you to transfer many files or very large files in a snap, but requires that your phone and computer are on the same WiFi network.

Portal App 正式登陸iOs , iPhone 都可以唔洗插線輕鬆備份 ...

2015年8月27日 — 如果覺得唔岩,可能就要用返最原本既Pushbullet App 又或者其他既服務商如WeTransfer iOS 版,可以比用户一次過send 夠10GB 文件做備份。


2023年3月25日 — Pushbullet is the app you never knew you needed, according to CNET. Here's why: STAY CONNECTED • Conveniently send and receive SMS ...


Pushbullet works great on all of your devices, which makes sharing and chatting with friends more convenient than ever. Send files. Moving pictures and files ...

Send Files From PC to Phone With Pushbullet Portal App

2015年6月18日 — Portal enables you to transfer many files or very large files in a snap, but requires that your phone and computer are on the same Wi-Fi ...

電腦手機傳送大量影音檔案:Portal 比你用過的方法快

2015年6月17日 — Pushbullet 團隊推出全新Portal 傳送門Android App ,讓我們透過WiFi 無線傳輸快速把電腦中的大型影片、大量音樂與各種檔案傳送到手機.


2021年10月10日—ConnectyourphoneviaWiFi,cableorbluetoothandyou'llbesurprisedhoweasyandefficientitwillbetomanageyourphonewithour ...,Bringingtogetheryourdevices,friends,andthethingsyoucareabout.,2021年10月4日—ClosingThePortalApp...Portalwasapassionprojectthatwebuilttoexperimentwithotherwaysofmovingdatabetweenphonesandcomputers.,2015年6月16日—Portalenablesyoutotransfermanyfilesorverylargefilesina...