Puss in Boots play script
It's an easy version of a play script based on a very well known fairy tale Puss in Boots that can be used with EFL / ESL students.
The Wolf tosses a sickle over his shoulder and SMASHES. Gambler Puss into tiny shards. SWORDSMAN PUSS. Run Puss in Boots! Make the wish! The Wolf shatters the ...
Puss in Boots Play Script for Kids
I, Julius Kincaid, being of mostly sound mind and failing old body, do hereby bequeath my worldly possessions upon my death to my children.
Puss In Boots
Puss in Boots. PICTURES; SCRIPT SAMPLE; TESTIMONIALS; PRODUCTIONS; SUGGESTIONS. Production Photos. Use this script sample — including the cast list, production ...
[PDF] puss in boots
PUSS IN BOOTS. 5. I LIKE. I like to see my friends, and dance with them on a sunny day. I like to see my friends, and play with them along the way. I like to ...