How Do RAM Drives Work?



RAM drive

A RAM drive is a block of random-access memory that a computer's software is treating as if the memory were a disk drive (secondary storage).

RAM vs Disk

電腦中的記憶體(RAM) Main Memory 和硬碟Disk or Drive 有什麼差別? ; 用途, 儲存當前正在執行的程式和資料, 長期儲存系統、應用程式和使用者資料 ; 讀寫速度, 很快,直接與 ...

Does anyone still make a hardware RAMDisk?

I'd like to have a RAM-Disk for storing temporary/cache files that I don't care if get deleted on power loss.

Theoretics: What is a RAM Disk? :

A ram disk is something that was used in Linux before Windows existed, to boot from floppy, but not have to access the slow floppy drive for everything. Linux ...

Is there a modern ram drive hardware (pcie memory drive)? [closed]

Last hardware board for consumers I found was Gigabyte GC-RAMDISK i-RAM circa 2006. These fell out of favor as they require battery backup ...


何謂電腦硬體 · 主機板是什麼? 主機板是使PC 運作的核心。 · 何謂CPU(中央運算器/處理器)? CPU(中央處理器/處理器)負責處理您電腦內程式運行的所有資訊。 · 何謂RAM? 隨機存取 ...

PCIe 4.0 ram drive - 固態硬碟- 儲存燒錄

我很多年前用過, 不錯(當時電腦底板只可裝幾GB ram). 現時不如學#3樓師兄提議, 直接用128GB ram, 再分部分做ram disk.

什麼是RAM disk?

RAM disk 是一種虛擬儲存位置,能夠像電腦中的HDD 傳統硬碟、SSD 固態硬碟或其他快閃裝置一樣進行存取。RAM disk 是透過軟體在系統記憶體(也就是RAM) 中劃分出儲存容量 ...

does anybody know where I can currently purchase a hardware ...

PCIe cards with RAM slots basically don't exist any more. If people need RAM disks they tend to carve them out of the installed RAM. If they don ...

RAM disk

RAM disk是將RAM模擬為硬碟的技術。 相對於傳統的硬碟檔案訪問來說,這種技術可以大幅提高檔案的訪問速度。但是RAM的揮發性也意味著關閉電源後資料將會遺失。


ARAMdriveisablockofrandom-accessmemorythatacomputer'ssoftwareistreatingasifthememorywereadiskdrive(secondarystorage).,電腦中的記憶體(RAM)MainMemory和硬碟DiskorDrive有什麼差別?;用途,儲存當前正在執行的程式和資料,長期儲存系統、應用程式和使用者資料;讀寫速度,很快,直接與 ...,I'dliketohaveaRAM-Diskforstoringtemporary/cachefilesthatIdon'tcareifgetdeletedonpowerloss.,AramdiskissomethingthatwasusedinL...