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Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends is a platform video game developed by Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft. It is the fifth main title in the Rayman series.

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供應中 評分 4.5 (8,715) 購買Rayman Legends. 特別促銷!3 月13 日截止. -80%. $29.99. $5.99. 加入 ...

Rayman® Legends

供應中 The gang must run, jump and fight their way through each world to save the day and discover the secrets of every legendary painting. Copyright: © 2013 Ubisoft ...

Rayman Legends is asking me to install Uplay. What should I do?

1- Uplay not needed for cracked games. · 2- First try to move your game folder to something short & not containing any non-english character!

Rayman Legends

Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies are off wandering through an enchanted forest when they discover a mysterious tent filled with a series of captivating ...

購買Rayman® Legends

供應中 The Glade of Dreams is in trouble once again! During a 100-year nap, nightmares have multiplied and spread, creating new monsters even scarier than before!

Rayman Legends - PC Gameplay

Fun Game :) 05:20! Gameplay taken from the Demo. Facebook: http://facebook.com/clayman90 Twitter: https://twitter.com/rechyyy Buy it cheap: ...

Rayman Legends Reload Full Version Pc game over

Rayman-legends-reloaded if u need any kind of support to play this game on pc u can comment :) Game On.


Loading…Signin.,RaymanLegendsisaplatformvideogamedevelopedbyUbisoftMontpellierandpublishedbyUbisoft.ItisthefifthmaintitleintheRaymanseries.,供應中評分4.5(8,715)購買RaymanLegends.特別促銷!3月13日截止.-80%.$29.99.$5.99.加入 ...,供應中Thegangmustrun,jumpandfighttheirwaythrougheachworldtosavethedayanddiscoverthesecretsofeverylegendarypainting.Copyright:©2013Ubisoft ...,1-Uplaynotneededforcrackedg...