In their words: Readability is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing the cluter around what you're reading. Readability Redux ...
2018年11月27日 — Readability is a tool designed by Arc90. In their words: Readability is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing ...
2016年5月4日 — It's designed to work with the Readability Redux ... - Separate the domain name from the pattern to make it work more consistently - Detects ...
Gitt Är Surfen e Rand! Liesbarkeet ass en Tool entworf vun arc90. An hire Wierder: Liesbarkeet ass en einfacht Tool dat d'Liesen um Internet méi agreabel mécht ...
2023年8月22日 — Clarity and Readability: With immer , your code becomes more concise and expressive. The syntax closely resembles that of mutable updates, ...