Red Sparrow | Official Trailer [HD]

RedSparrowisa2018AmericanspythrillerfilmdirectedbyFrancisLawrenceandwrittenbyJustinHaythe,basedonthe2013novelofthesamenameby ...,AyoungRussianintelligenceofficerisassignedtoseduceafirst-tourCIAagentwhohandlestheCIA'smostsensitivepenetrationofRuss...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Red Sparrow

Red Sparrow is a 2018 American spy thriller film directed by Francis Lawrence and written by Justin Haythe, based on the 2013 novel of the same name by ...

Red Sparrow (2018)

A young Russian intelligence officer is assigned to seduce a first-tour CIA agent who handles the CIA's most sensitive penetration of Russian intelligence.

Red Sparrow

In this spy thriller, Jennifer Lawrence is Dominika, a former ballerina forced to enter Sparrow School, a government program that thrusts her into a ...

Red Sparrow

Red Sparrow is a film adaptation of a trilogy of books. It centers around a Russian woman named Dominika (played by Jennifer Lawrence), a ballerina, who after ...


In the new thriller, Red Sparrow, Lawrence stars as Dominika Egorova, a Russian girl whose entire life revolves around being a prima ballerina for the Bolshoi ...

Watch Red Sparrow

In this spy thriller, Jennifer Lawrence is Dominika, a former ballerina forced to enter Sparrow School, a government program that thrusts her into a ...


RedSparrowisa2018AmericanspythrillerfilmdirectedbyFrancisLawrenceandwrittenbyJustinHaythe,basedonthe2013novelofthesamenameby ...,AyoungRussianintelligenceofficerisassignedtoseduceafirst-tourCIAagentwhohandlestheCIA'smostsensitivepenetrationofRussianintelligence.,Inthisspythriller,JenniferLawrenceisDominika,aformerballerinaforcedtoenterSparrowSchool,agovernmentprogramthatthrustsherintoa ...,Red...

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