How to Untether Jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 using RedSn0w 0.9.10.b4 (Mac ...

新的版本更新到0.9.10b7,現在可以給A5設備使用Corona越獄;對於一些越獄新手來說,如果你不小心卸載了完美越獄,現在可以重新安裝越獄。還有一個重要的 ...,評分1.0(1)·免費·WindowsKeyDetailsofredsn0w·AprogramthatallowsuserstojailbreaktheiriPodtouch,iPhonea...。參考影片的文章的如下:


RedSn0w 越獄工具Mac 和Windows 版本更新到0.9.10b7

新的版本更新到0.9.10b7 ,現在可以給A5 設備使用Corona 越獄;對於一些越獄新手來說,如果你不小心卸載了完美越獄,現在可以重新安裝越獄。還有一個重要的 ...

redsn0w for Windows

評分 1.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows Key Details of redsn0w · A program that allows users to jailbreak their iPod touch, iPhone and iPad by using various exploits. · Last updated on February 29, 2024 ...

Download Redsn0w - iPhone Hacks

Redsn0w is one of the easiest and most popular tools to jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch developed by the iPhone Dev team.


Unlike PwnageTool, RedSn0w works for both Mac and Windows, and is considered to be one of the most reliable jailbreaks by the whole community.

Download For Windows

RedSn0w Windows is a renowned jailbreaking tool for Apple devices, compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 operating systems.


Apart from iOS devices, it works on Windows and Mac OS. You can use the Redsn0w Download software with a simple interface along with many features. By using the ...

redsn0w Download Free for Windows 10, 7, 8 (64 bit 32 bit)

Download redsn0w (2025) for Windows PC from SoftFamous. 100% Safe and Secure. Free Download (64-bit / 32-bit).

先別管redsn0w 了,你聽過evasi0n 嗎?

在iOS 6.x 完美越獄工具evasi0n 釋出前,可利用iPhone dev team 開發的最新redsn0w 0.9.15b3 版,在Windows 或Mac OSX 電腦上對Apple iOS A5 以前機型,iPhone 4、iPhone ...

[Question] is redsn0w usable on windows 10?

You can use redsn0w on Windows 10, I restored and then jailbroke my iPhone 3G using Windows 10. You need to install an older version of iTunes.

[Tutorial] fix for redsn0w “waiting for reboot, then exploit failed” on ...

[Tutorial] fix for redsn0w “waiting for reboot, then exploit failed” on Windows 10 (iOS 6.1.6, but may be applicable on other versions too).


新的版本更新到0.9.10b7,現在可以給A5設備使用Corona越獄;對於一些越獄新手來說,如果你不小心卸載了完美越獄,現在可以重新安裝越獄。還有一個重要的 ...,評分1.0(1)·免費·WindowsKeyDetailsofredsn0w·AprogramthatallowsuserstojailbreaktheiriPodtouch,iPhoneandiPadbyusingvariousexploits.·LastupdatedonFebruary29,2024 ...,Redsn0wisoneoftheeasiestandmostpopulartoolstojailbreakiPhone,iPadandiPodTouchdevelopedb...

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學
