Regular Expressions
Basic Examples ; -d+(-.-d-d)?, contains a positive integer or a floating point number with exactly two characters after the decimal point. ; [^i*&2@], contains ...
Regular expressions - JavaScript
For example, re = /-w+-s/g creates a regular expression that looks for one or more characters followed by a space, and it looks for this ...
Examples of regular expressions
The following examples illustrate the use and construction of simple regular expressions. Each example includes the type of text to match, one or more ...
Python RegEx
Python RegEx · Example. Replace every white-space character with the number 9: import re txt = The rain in Spain x = re.sub(-s, 9, txt) print(x) · Example. Python PIP · Try it Yourself · Try it
Regular Expression (Regex) Tutorial
Most characters, including all letters ( a-z and A-Z ) and digits ( 0-9 ), match itself. For example, the regex x matches substring x ; z matches z ; and 9 ...