
Download Reigns app for iPhone and iPad

download Reigns app for iPhone and iPad (iOS devices) for free app for iPhone & iPad and other iOS devices . Reigns - App Store trended app from Devolver.


Sit on the throne as a benevolent (or malevolent) medieval monarch of the modern age and swipe your royal controller either left or right to impose your ...

Reigns (for iPhone) Review

2016年9月27日 — Reigns is available for both Android and iOS devices on their respective app stores. If you're more of a PC gamer, you can snag the game for ...

Reigns (video game)

Reigns (video game) · Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows · 11 August 2016 · Nintendo Switch · 20 September 2018.


Play Store Most Innovative Game of 2016 ** Sit on the throne as a benevolent (or malevolent) medieval monarch of the modern age and swipe your royal fingers ...

Reigns android iOS

2024年3月9日 — 充滿探索元素的王朝:盡可能嘗試各種方式來統治你的王國,締結聯盟,向敵宣戰抑或用每一代不同的國王不斷探索新的死亡方式。某些事件影響長遠,能夠延續數 ...

Reigns on the App Store

This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. Reigns 12+. Swipe and be the King.


The game was originally released for Android and iOS on August 11, 2016. On that same day, it also became available for Linux, OS X, and Windows through ...

在App Store 上的「王權(Reigns)」

需要iOS 9.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 9.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 9.0 或以上版本。


downloadReignsappforiPhoneandiPad(iOSdevices)forfreeappforiPhone&iPadandotheriOSdevices.Reigns-AppStoretrendedappfromDevolver.,Sitonthethroneasabenevolent(ormalevolent)medievalmonarchofthemodernageandswipeyourroyalcontrollereitherleftorrighttoimposeyour ...,2016年9月27日—ReignsisavailableforbothAndroidandiOSdevicesontheirrespectiveappstores.Ifyou'remoreofaPCgamer,youcansnagthegamefor ...,R...