How to Set Reminder in Windows?

Instantlysetupareminder,jotdownanote,oridea;DownloadFree30-DayTrial.NoAdware.NoSpyware.CompatiblewithMicrosoftWindows7and10.;Download ...,Nowit'sfree!OrangeReminder-convenientuniversalappforreminders.ItsupportsOneDriveSync,LiveTilesandGestures.Al...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Cute Reminder

Instantly set up a reminder, jot down a note, or idea ; Download Free 30-Day Trial. No Adware. No Spyware. Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 and 10. ; Download ...

Orange Reminder

Now it's free! Orange Reminder - convenient universal app for reminders. It supports OneDrive Sync, Live Tiles and Gestures. All the essentials, no gimmicks ...


Desktop-Reminder is the perfect tool for absentminded people who have a hard time keeping up with their pending tasks. With Desktop-Reminder you won't forget ...

Download Reminder For Windows

Microsoft Sticky Notes · CareUEyes · Desktop-Reminder · Cute Sticky Notes for Win 8+ · Bible Verse Reminder · Desktop Calendar Reminder · Wise Reminder · Birthday ...


MiniReminder is a powerful, free program only available for Windows, belonging to the category Productivity software with subcategory Planners (more ...

Top 13 alternatives to RemindMe for Windows for Windows

Find the best programs like RemindMe for Windows for Windows. More than 13 alternatives to choose: Remind-Me, Desktop-Reminder, 2Day and more.

The Best Reminders App for Windows

Add location-based reminders for on the spot to-dos, one-time reminders for occasional tasks and recurring reminders for weekly team meetings or monthly events.

Download Desktop-Reminder

Windows 7. Desktop-Reminder requires .NET Framework 4.8, which is a standard component of Windows 10 and above. In previous Windows versions it can be installed ...

Mr. Reminder

Mr. Reminder is an app especially designed for you! It will help you stay up-to-date with all the things you have in mind.


Instantlysetupareminder,jotdownanote,oridea;DownloadFree30-DayTrial.NoAdware.NoSpyware.CompatiblewithMicrosoftWindows7and10.;Download ...,Nowit'sfree!OrangeReminder-convenientuniversalappforreminders.ItsupportsOneDriveSync,LiveTilesandGestures.Alltheessentials,nogimmicks ...,Desktop-Reminderistheperfecttoolforabsentmindedpeoplewhohaveahardtimekeepingupwiththeirpendingtasks.WithDesktop-Reminder...