
2. iCheck — SonataAdminBundle documentation

2.2. Disable iCheck on some form elements ; checkbox or ; radio form elements, set data attribute data-sonata-icheck = false to this form element:.

icheckREADME.md at 1.0.3

iCheck works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which may be customized by you or using one of the available ...

iCheck('uncheck') not working in own 'ifChecked' callback function

Hello, I'm trying to do a simple uncheck of all my other radio buttons when there is one selected. Also must the radiobuttons be resetted ...

How do I checkuncheck a checkbox input or radio button?

You can check or uncheck a checkbox element or a radio button using the .prop() method. 1 2 3 4 5 How do I disable/enable a form element?

Remove or add disabled to iCheck radio input

I have a radio input that uses iCheck jquery library. My radio input is disabled by default. I use jquery to enable the radio input using jquery prop().

iCheck undo check - jquery

I want to do some validation when checkbox is checked and uncheck it if validation fails. Right now, the checked property is false but the checkbox remains ...

iCheck checkbox issue. Is there a way to ignore this for a particular ...

Any ideas to ignore / bypass iCheck for a particular checkbox? Apparently it uses as JS script to transform them, if I am not mistaken.

用iCheck(jQuery 和Zepto) 插件定制复选框(checkboxes)和单选 ...

iCheck('check'); — 将输入框的状态设置为checked. $('input').iCheck('uncheck'); — 移除checked 状态. $('input').iCheck('toggle'); — toggle checked state. $('input ...


$('input').iCheck('destroy'); //移除iCheck样式. 调用iCheck时,只需要将修改了默认 ...

super customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery & Zepto

$('input').iCheck('check'); — change input's state to checked. $('input').iCheck('uncheck'); — remove checked state. $('input').iCheck('toggle'); — toggle ...


2.2.DisableiCheckonsomeformelements;checkboxor;radioformelements,setdataattributedata-sonata-icheck=falsetothisformelement:.,iCheckworkswithcheckboxesandradiobuttonslikeaconstructor.Itwrapseachinputwithadiv,whichmaybecustomizedbyyouorusingoneoftheavailable ...,Hello,I'mtryingtodoasimpleuncheckofallmyotherradiobuttonswhenthereisoneselected.Alsomusttheradiobuttonsberesetted ...,Youcancheckorunch...