remover cydia
remover cydia


How to remove cydia?


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3 Ways to Remove Cydia Apps

1. Open Cydia. 2. Tap Installed. 3. Tap Expert. 4. Select an app. 5. Tap Modify. 6. Tap Remove.

Cydia Eraser: How to Remove Cydia from iPhoneiPad

Step 2: From the main interface of the software, choose “Fee Up Space Option” and then, tap on “Erase Application”.

How to Delete Cydia from iPhone to Remove Jailbreak ...

2021年4月25日 — Run Cydia Eraser > Tap the option, Delete All Data and Unjailbreak Device > Delete All. Cydia Eraser. Then it ...

How to Delete Cydia from iPhoneiPod Touch

Tap the Modify button in the upper-right corner and then tap Remove. This will add the item to your uninstallation queue.

How to remove cydia?

2023年8月20日 — Connect to PC, open iTunes and click restore.

How to uninstall Cydia?

The easiest way to remove the jailbreak from your iPhone is restore and leave it as of manufactures. Just connect your iPhone to iTunes and hit the restore ...

Remover 決定放棄越獄資料?快速將越獄資料完全從設備上 ...

2017年8月16日 — 如果越獄後,如打算想放棄越獄環境,該如何刪除設備內的越獄資料檔案?過去我們可使用Cydia Eraser來替iOS還原至最原始乾淨狀態,現在還有另一款重置 ...

你應該JB 破解嗎? 看看Cydia 插件支援清單再決定

2024年6月20日 — Blur Remover BlurBar BlurredMusicApp BTstack BytaFont 2 CCControls 部分功能 CCHide CCMeters 部分功能 ClassicDock 部分功能 CleverPin


1.OpenCydia.2.TapInstalled.3.TapExpert.4.Selectanapp.5.TapModify.6.TapRemove.,Step2:Fromthemaininterfaceofthesoftware,choose“FeeUpSpaceOption”andthen,tapon“EraseApplication”.,2021年4月25日—RunCydiaEraser>Taptheoption,DeleteAllDataandUnjailbreakDevice>DeleteAll.CydiaEraser.Thenit ...,TaptheModifybuttonintheupper-rightcornerandthentapRemove.Thiswilladdtheitemtoyouruninstallationqueue.,2023...