
REQUISITION | English meaning

to officially request or take something: The army requisitioned all the cars and trucks they could find.

REQUISITION in Traditional Chinese

7 天前 · the act of officially asking for or taking something. 徵用 The staff made a requisition for new chairs and desks. 職員提交了一份新桌椅需求單。 ...


requisition. 正式請求,申請,需要,徵用,命令,通知單,申請書徵用,要求 ; requisitions. requisition的名詞複數 ; requisitioned. requisition的動詞過去式、過去分詞 ; in ...

Requisition Definition & Meaning

to ask for or demand and take (something) for your use. The officer requisitioned supplies for his troops. The car was requisitioned by the police.

REQUISITION definition and meaning

requisition in American English · 1. a requiring, as by right or authority; formal demand · 2. a formal written order, request, or application, as for equipment ...

REQUISITION Definition & Meaning

noun an authoritative or formal demand for something to be done, given, supplied, etc.: The general issued a requisition to the townspeople for eight trucks.

What Is a Requisition, and How Does It Work?

A requisition is a demand or request for a service or item, typically using a purchase requisition form or another standardized document.

requisition - LDOCE

if someone in authority, especially the army, requisitions a building, vehicle, or food, they officially demand to have it during an emergency such as a war.

REQUISITION Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. a : the act of formally requiring or calling upon someone to perform an action b : a formal demand made by one nation upon another for the surrender or ...

Requisition - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

noun the act of requiring; an authoritative request or demand, especially by a military or public authority that takes something over (usually temporarily)


toofficiallyrequestortakesomething:Thearmyrequisitionedallthecarsandtruckstheycouldfind.,7天前·theactofofficiallyaskingforortakingsomething.徵用Thestaffmadearequisitionfornewchairsanddesks.職員提交了一份新桌椅需求單。 ...,requisition.正式請求,申請,需要,徵用,命令,通知單,申請書徵用,要求;requisitions.requisition的名詞複數;requisitioned.requisition的動詞過去式、過去分詞;in ...,toaskforordemandandt...