
Forgotten iOS Restrictions PasswordPasscode

There's a tool that can recover the restrictions passcode from a device backup, called Pinfinder. Follow the macOS instructions and download ...

Forgot restrictions passcode on iPhone or iPad

The only way to fix it is to restore the iPhone to remove the restrictions passcode. If you made a backup after the restrictions were put in place you will not ...

What is a Restrictions Passcode and how d…

The Restriction in question is one that blocks changing iOS settings, including the backup encryption option. You can always ask the company IT ...

4 Simple Ways to Reset Restriction Passcode on iPhone

Here are 4 simple solutions to help you reset the restriction password on your iPhone. Solution 1: Reset the Restrictions Passcode if you remember it.

Forgot Restrictions Passcode?. How to reset it

If you can't remember your Restrictions Passcode for iOS, you can download iBackupBot, edit a preference file to include a new pin, restore from that backup, ...

2 Methods to Reset Restriction Password on iPhone

Go to your Settings > General > Restrictions, enter your passcode. Tap on “Disabled Restrictions”, then enter your existing passcode again. Tap ...

How do I reset my Restrictions password without wiping the device?

There is no way to get a restrictions password back without a wiping out the iPhone. Both the iCloud and iTunes restore include the Restrictions password.

A tool run on your computer to recover the restrictions passcode of ...

A tool run on your computer to recover the restrictions passcode of an iOS 7.0-11.4.1 device. Note: this is NOT a tweak.

What Is iPhone Restriction Passcode

In that case, the default restrictions passcode for your iPhone is 1234. When you see the passcode field on your iPhone, simply enter this ...

I Forgot my Content and Privacy Restrictions Passcode (tutorial)

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There'satoolthatcanrecovertherestrictionspasscodefromadevicebackup,calledPinfinder.FollowthemacOSinstructionsanddownload ...,TheonlywaytofixitistorestoretheiPhonetoremovetherestrictionspasscode.Ifyoumadeabackupaftertherestrictionswereputinplaceyouwillnot ...,TheRestrictioninquestionisonethatblockschangingiOSsettings,includingthebackupencryptionoption.YoucanalwaysaskthecompanyIT ...,Hereare4sim...