Red Hot Chili Peppers

BytheWayistheeighthstudioalbumbytheAmericanrockbandRedHotChiliPeppers,releasedJuly9,2002,onWarnerBros.Records.,BytheWayisasongbyAmericanfunkrockbandRedHotChiliPeppers.Itisthetitletrackandfirstsinglereleasedfromtheband'seighthstudioalbum ...,在App...。參考影片的文章的如下:


By the Way

By the Way is the eighth studio album by the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers, released July 9, 2002, on Warner Bros. Records.

By the Way (Red Hot Chili Peppers song)

By the Way is a song by American funk rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers. It is the title track and first single released from the band's eighth studio album ...

By the Way

在Apple Music 上聆聽Red Hot Chili Peppers的《By the Way》- 2002年・16 首歌曲・長度:1 小時8 分鐘.

By the Way-歌詞

作詞:Amthony 作曲:John Frusciante. 3 2 1. Standing in line. To see the show tonight. And there's a light on Heavy glow. By the way I tried to say

Red Hot Chili Peppers By The Way

即將推出的新專輯找來威尼斯影展得獎導演、「新表現主義之父」朱利安施納柏打造繪畫裸女封面,正在巡迴演唱的嗆辣紅椒「足」遍歐陸八國,七月抵達日、韓,行程完全比照世足 ...

紅辣椒- By the Way

2021年1月13日 — 【看影片學英語】數萬部YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。


BytheWayistheeighthstudioalbumbytheAmericanrockbandRedHotChiliPeppers,releasedJuly9,2002,onWarnerBros.Records.,BytheWayisasongbyAmericanfunkrockbandRedHotChiliPeppers.Itisthetitletrackandfirstsinglereleasedfromtheband'seighthstudioalbum ...,在AppleMusic上聆聽RedHotChiliPeppers的《BytheWay》-2002年・16首歌曲・長度:1小時8分鐘.,作詞:Amthony作曲:JohnFrusciante.321.Standinginline.Toseetheshowton...