
Extract Blu-ray audio with FFmpeg

This article covers extracting Blu-Ray audio with FFmpeg. Some music audio only titles are just becoming available on Blu-Ray, and music lovers may need to ...

How to Extract the Audio File from Blu

Step 1. Open VLC and access Media in the menu to select Convert/Save. Step 2. Click on the Disc, then select a disc type as Blu-ray and check on No Disc menus.

How to Rip and Extract Hi-Fi Audio from Blu

2023年10月30日 — This article explains how to use DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper to extract audio from Blu-rays, providing a step-by-step guide to rip Blu-ray audio ...

How to Rip Blu

2023年1月17日 — Best 3 Ways to Extract Audio from Blu-ray · 1. On the main screen, select the DVD Ripper tool. · 2. To proceed, select the HD MKV Video option ...

Ripping Blu

2022年10月22日 — Yes, That's the trick. You have to extract the disc in MakeMKV as what it calls a backup. Then open that backup files(s) in DVD Audio Extractor.

So uh, how do you rip blu-ray audio?

2014年4月15日 — You need a BD drive. You need a program to decrypt the disc (I like DVDFab) and a program like DVD-Audio Extractor to take the decrypted disc ...

[CAS] 從Bluray Rip高清WAV File

2012年12月23日 — 首先要2個軟件先可以Rip到碟. 分別係DVDFab Passkey同DVD Audio Extractor, 點解要咁做呢? 因為大部份Bluray都加左BD+, AACS, CCI,Region lock等保護.

擴展電腦Hi-Res 歌庫! Mac 機Blu

2015年12月11日 — 只要大家日常會在各大影音討論區流連的話,相信總會看到有網友查詢如何將Bluray 演唱會,或者環球唱片力谷的High Fidelity Pure Audio(HFPA)BD 音樂專輯


2014年8月5日 — 各位大大~ 請問如何將blu-ray audio 轉flac (192k or 96k /16bit,24bit) 能夠讓ZX1 讀取呢?? 我用了dvdfab 轉flac~結果無法讀取!不知道該如何設定!


ThisarticlecoversextractingBlu-RayaudiowithFFmpeg.SomemusicaudioonlytitlesarejustbecomingavailableonBlu-Ray,andmusicloversmayneedto ...,Step1.OpenVLCandaccessMediainthemenutoselectConvert/Save.Step2.ClickontheDisc,thenselectadisctypeasBlu-rayandcheckonNoDiscmenus.,2023年10月30日—ThisarticleexplainshowtouseDVDFabBlu-rayRippertoextractaudiofromBlu-rays,providingastep-by-stepguidetoripBlu-rayaudi...