
ASUS ROG STRIX GD30 Gaming Desktop, NV GeForce GTX 1060 ...

Product Details ; Manufacturer, ASUS Computers ; Model, GD30CI-DS72-GTX1060 ; Locale, US ; List price, $1,399.00 ; EAN, 088934967128.

The ROG Strix GD30 is a customizable gaming desktop off the shelf

Ready for battle starting at $1299. The ROG Strix GD30 is ready for gaming and VR right out of the box—just connect a display and headset.

Rog Gd30的價格推薦

「rog gd30」精選商品優惠價格. 在飛比找蝦皮購物優惠-ASUS ROG STRIX GD30電競桌機. ASUS ROG STRIX GD30電競桌機i7-6700 32G GTX1660 super. ···. $13,000. 蝦皮購物 ...

ASUS ROG STRIX GD30 Gaming Desktop, NV GeForce GTX 1070 ...

評分 3.9 (21) Powerful Full Size ATX Gaming Desktop: Equipped with latest Intel Core i7-7700 3.6GHz and GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Graphics; Unique chassis design with ...

rog gd30 - FindPrice 價格網2024年12月精選購物推薦

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rog gd30 ; EcLife 良興購物網. $ 14,888 ; EcLife 良興購物網. $ 14,999 ; PChome 24h購物. $ 17,888 ...

ASUS Republic of Gamers Strix GD30CI-DS73

ASUS. Our Price: $1,499.00. Quantity: 1. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ... The ROG STRIX GD30 offers all the expandability you would expect from a ...

ASUS ROG Strix GD30 (i7

處理器:Intel i7-7700 (i7-7th Gen), 硬碟:128 + 2000GB, 顯示卡:GTX 1060, 比較ASUS ROG Strix GD30 (i7-7700, 128GB SSD+2TB HDD, GTX1060) GD30CI-HK002T 價格, ...

gd30ci - 人氣推薦- 2025年2月

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ASUS 華碩客製化ROG Strix GD30 電競桌機,電競就該這樣組裝!

ASUS 華碩客製化ROG Strix GD30 電競桌機,電競就該這樣組裝! ... 價格是9,999元,而華碩給的主機板參考是H270,價格是3,990元,記憶體我們 ...


ProductDetails;Manufacturer,ASUSComputers;Model,GD30CI-DS72-GTX1060;Locale,US;Listprice,$1,399.00;EAN,088934967128.,Readyforbattlestartingat$1299.TheROGStrixGD30isreadyforgamingandVRrightoutofthebox—justconnectadisplayandheadset.,「roggd30」精選商品優惠價格.在飛比找蝦皮購物優惠-ASUSROGSTRIXGD30電競桌機.ASUSROGSTRIXGD30電競桌機i7-670032GGTX1660super.···.$13,000.蝦皮購物 ...,評分3.9(21)PowerfulF...