ASUS ROG GT51 Gaming Desktop

8百萬色LED效果動態燈光效果可照亮ROGGT51的機殼包含經典的ROG標誌與雙側燈光帶。甚至還能自訂進氣口的RGBLED內部ROGAURA燈光效果.產品規格.型號ASUSROG ...,Theaward-winningROGGT51CAjustgotthemostimportantupgradeforgaming-uptoapairofNVIDIAGTX1080sinSLI!ASU...。參考影片的文章的如下:


ASUS ROG GT51 第六代i7-6700K 雙碟GTX

8 百萬色LED 效果 動態燈光效果可照亮ROG GT51 的機殼 包含經典的ROG 標誌與雙側燈光帶。 甚至還能自訂進氣口的RGB LED 內部ROG AURA 燈光效果. 產品規格. 型號ASUS ROG ...

#ROG-GT51 - Republic of Gamers|Global

The award-winning ROG GT51CA just got the most important upgrade for gaming - up to a pair of NVIDIA GTX 1080s in SLI! ASUS Wins 16 Awards at Computex 2016.

#ROG-GT51CA - Republic of Gamers|Global

ROG built a gaming rig with a liquid-cooled Intel i7 overclocked to 4.6GHz and pimped it out with 8-million-color LED effects, more details here!


經FCC和加拿大工業部認證的產品將在美國和加拿大銷售。 · 所有規格如有更改,恕不另行通知。 · 規格和功能或內建軟體因型號而異,所有圖像僅供參考。 · 印刷電路板顏色和內建 ...

GT51CA - Support

By registering your device, you can easily manage your product warranty, get technical support and keep track of your repair status.

ASUS Republic of Gamers GT51CA Gaming Desktop Computer

The GT51CA is a VR-ready gaming machine that can render detailed 4K visuals smoothly by coming outfitted with an unlocked 4.0 GHz Intel Core i7-6700K processor ...

ASUS ROG GT51CA | 記憶體及SSD 升級

ASUS ROG GT51CA 記憶體(RAM) 與SSD的升級 · 我們能為您的系統提供相容的記憶體和儲存空間升級作業 · 關於您的ROG GT51CA.

ASUS Republic of Gamers

榮耀戰魂ROG GT51CA電競桌機配上ROG PG348曲面性電競螢幕帶來無與倫比遊戲體驗.


已售完 處理器:Intel Core i7 6700K(4.0G with Turbo 4.2GHz); 記憶體:DDR4 2133MHz 16G; 顯示卡:Nvidia GTX1070 8G獨顯; 儲存裝置:1TB *1+256G*2M.2 SSD(PCIE) ...


8百萬色LED效果動態燈光效果可照亮ROGGT51的機殼包含經典的ROG標誌與雙側燈光帶。甚至還能自訂進氣口的RGBLED內部ROGAURA燈光效果.產品規格.型號ASUSROG ...,Theaward-winningROGGT51CAjustgotthemostimportantupgradeforgaming-uptoapairofNVIDIAGTX1080sinSLI!ASUSWins16AwardsatComputex2016.,ROGbuiltagamingrigwithaliquid-cooledInteli7overclockedto4.6GHzandpimpeditoutwith8-million-colorLEDeffects,moredetailshere...