
Hobbs & Shaw" World Premiere event

See photos from the world premiere of Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, featuring Roman Reigns, The Rock, Idris Elba, Jason Statham and more!

Hobbs & Shaw

Hobbs & Shaw (also known as Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw) is a 2019 ... In January 2019, Johnson revealed that his cousin and professional wrestler Roman ...

Hobbs & Shaw

2019年8月3日 — He may not have many lines but professional wrestler Roman Reigns is one of the best parts of the 'Fast & Furious' spinoff 'Hobbs & Shaw.'

Roman Reigns | The Fast and the Furious Wiki

Leati Joseph Joe Anoa'i, better known by the ring name Roman Reigns, is an American professional wrestler, actor and former American football player.

6 WWE stars who've featured in the Fast & Furious franchise

2023年5月22日 — 6 WWE stars who've featured in the Fast & Furious franchise · #6. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson · #5. John Cena · #4. Roman Reigns · #3. Ronda ...


SeephotosfromtheworldpremiereofFast&FuriousPresents:Hobbs&Shaw,featuringRomanReigns,TheRock,IdrisElba,JasonStathamandmore!,Hobbs&Shaw(alsoknownasFast&FuriousPresents:Hobbs&Shaw)isa2019...InJanuary2019,JohnsonrevealedthathiscousinandprofessionalwrestlerRoman ...,2019年8月3日—HemaynothavemanylinesbutprofessionalwrestlerRomanReignsisoneofthebestpartsofthe'Fast&Furious'spin...
