

A GitHub Action designed to automate the fetching of RSS feeds. It fetches an RSS feed from a given URL and saves it to a specified file in your GitHub ...

Best RSS feed extractor (from URL)

Newsblur extracts the feed from the website URL. Its my reader of choice, great UX.


A GitHub Action designed to automate the fetching of RSS feeds. It fetches an RSS feed from a given URL and saves it to a specified file in your GitHub ...

Feed Extractor

Demo 3 powerful open source tools for extracting feed, article and oembed data.


Helps you discover and extract RSS feeds from Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud, and blog / websites.

GripNews: RSS Feed Extractor - 獲取幾乎任何內…

透過RSSfeedASAP,您可以輕鬆地從YouTube、Spotify、iTunes Podcasts、Google Podcasts、SoundCloud和博客等平臺獲取RSS訂閱。 + 這是一個非常方便的工具, ...

RSS Feed Extractor

Extract an RSS feed from iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube, a blog and many more.

RSS Feed Extractor

With our Hexomatic RSS feed extractor, you'll always have access to the newest published content. That can be especially handy for news sites and podcasts.

Youtube RSS Extractor by jeffkeeling

Directions. Go to the home page of the Youtube channel or playlist whose RSS feed you want. And copy its URL in the address bar.


feed-extractor是一个源于feed-reader并重新命名的库,专门设计用于读取和规范化来自不同来源的RSS/ATOM/JSON数据。该库提供了灵活且高效的API接口,支持 ...


AGitHubActiondesignedtoautomatethefetchingofRSSfeeds.ItfetchesanRSSfeedfromagivenURLandsavesittoaspecifiedfileinyourGitHub ...,NewsblurextractsthefeedfromthewebsiteURL.Itsmyreaderofchoice,greatUX.,AGitHubActiondesignedtoautomatethefetchingofRSSfeeds.ItfetchesanRSSfeedfromagivenURLandsavesittoaspecifiedfileinyourGitHub ...,Demo3powerfulopensourcetoolsforextractingfeed,articleandoembeddata.,Help...