[HQ] 케빈 TV 32회

DeviceType:WiFiRouter;Brand:ASUS;Model:GT-AC5300;FCCID:https://fcc.io/MSQ/-RTGZ00;Availability:Available2021;Whereavailable:amazon.com, ...,FCCID:MSQ-RTGZ00.IndustryCanadaID:3568A-RTGZ00.CPU:BroadcomBCM4709C0(1.4GHz,2cores).Flash/RAM:128/512MiB.,...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Device Type: WiFi Router; Brand: ASUS; Model: GT-AC5300; FCCID: https://fcc.io/MSQ/-RTGZ00; Availability: Available 2021; Where available: amazon.com, ...

Asus RT-AC5300 - DD

FCC ID: MSQ-RTGZ00. Industry Canada ID: 3568A-RTGZ00. CPU: Broadcom BCM4709C0 (1.4 GHz, 2 cores). Flash / RAM: 128 / 512 MiB.


Ultra-fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi router with a combined tri-band data rate of 5334 Mbps for low latency online gaming, smooth 4K streaming and extremely fast file- ...

ASUS RT-AC5300 - TechInfoDepot

ASUS RT-AC5300 ; wireless router · Broadcom BCM4709C0 · ARM Cortex A9 · 1.4 GHz ( 2 cores ).

ASUS RT-AC5300 - WikiDevi.Wi

Ultra-fast 802.11ac Wi-Fi router with a combined tri-band data rate of 5334 Mbps for low latency online gaming, smooth 4K streaming and extremely fast file- ...

IEEE 802.11ac-2013

IEEE 802.11ac-2013 or 802.11ac is a wireless networking standard in the IEEE 802.11 set of protocols providing high-throughput wireless local area networks ...

List of Asus routers

The Asus series of routers usually ship with Broadcom chipsets, faster processors and more memory than average, removable antennas, and USB ports for expansion. ASUS Wireless n Routers · ASUS Wireless ac Routers · ASUS Wireless ax Routers


128 MB Flash, 512 MB RAM, Boosts Speed, Beamforming: standard-based and universal, 1024-QAM high data rate, 20/40/80 MHz bandwidth.

[PDF] 使用手冊 - RT

超薄、時尚的RT-AC5300 能同時執行2.4GHz、5GHz-1. 與5GHz-2 三頻連線,由此提供無與倫比的同步無線高解. 析影音串流;支援Samba 伺服器、UPnP AV 伺服器與FTP. 伺服器提供24 ...


这款路由单纯运行在2.4GHz和5GHz下时分别可以带来1Gbps和2.167Gbps的带宽,而两个频率一起工作的话,一共可以产生5.3Gbps的通信速率,这已经远远超出了一般的网线可以承载 ...


DeviceType:WiFiRouter;Brand:ASUS;Model:GT-AC5300;FCCID:https://fcc.io/MSQ/-RTGZ00;Availability:Available2021;Whereavailable:amazon.com, ...,FCCID:MSQ-RTGZ00.IndustryCanadaID:3568A-RTGZ00.CPU:BroadcomBCM4709C0(1.4GHz,2cores).Flash/RAM:128/512MiB.,Ultra-fast802.11acWi-Firouterwithacombinedtri-banddatarateof5334Mbpsforlowlatencyonlinegaming,smooth4Kstreamingandextremelyfastfile- ...,ASUSRT-AC5300...