[HIGHLIGHTS] 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

Allfullmatchreplaysfromthe2018FIFAWorldCup™.,2018年12月21日—Auditshowsarecord3.572billionpeoplewatchedthe2018FIFAWorldCupRussia™...2018FIFAWorldCupRussia™:GlobalBroadcastandAudience ...,IttookplaceinRussiafrom14Juneto15July2018,afterthecountrywas...。參考影片的文章的如下:


2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™

All full match replays from the 2018 FIFA World Cup™.

More than half the world watched record

2018年12月21日 — Audit shows a record 3.572 billion people watched the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ ... 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™: Global Broadcast and Audience ...

2018 FIFA World Cup

It took place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July 2018, after the country was awarded the hosting rights in late 2010. It was the eleventh time the championships ...

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia ; Organization LA NACION ; Award Sports, Health and Wellness, Large Newsroom ; Program 2019 ; Entry Links · Link 3.

Technical Report - 2018 FIFA World Cup


2018 FIFA World Cup final

The match was played at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, Russia, on 15 July 2018, and was contested by France and Croatia. The tournament comprised hosts Russia ...


Allfullmatchreplaysfromthe2018FIFAWorldCup™.,2018年12月21日—Auditshowsarecord3.572billionpeoplewatchedthe2018FIFAWorldCupRussia™...2018FIFAWorldCupRussia™:GlobalBroadcastandAudience ...,IttookplaceinRussiafrom14Juneto15July2018,afterthecountrywasawardedthehostingrightsinlate2010.Itwastheeleventhtimethechampionships ...,2018FIFAWorldCupRussia;OrganizationLANACION;AwardSports,HealthandWellness,L...